Dispatch and Issue Resolution System

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I have no clue what this system is and if we even still use it, removal pending
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Dispatch and Issue Resolution System

The Dispatch and Issue Resolution System, also referred to as simply the Dispatch System, is a system that allows the communication and reporting of any form of issue, called a Dispatch. The system is designed around a two-party system consisting of: Holders and Reporters each of which have several responsibilities and powers designated to them.


Holders are the primary caretaker of the Dispatch System given that it is their responsibility to acknowledge and handle Dispatches as they are created. They have the ability to view all Dispatches and their data. Should there be a Dispatch that has not yet been handled they can assign themselves to that Dispatch and then begin handling it. They have the ability to view, but not edit, all details of their selected Dispatch and can proceed to investigate or resolve the Dispatch as required. After handling a Dispatch they can choose to Resolve or Reject it; which will signify to the Reporter who created it of the status change. Resolving a Dispatch indicates that the original issue presented by the Dispatch has been taken care of in its entirety and that it is no longer an issue. Rejecting a Dispatch signifies that it is either not actually an issue or it is unresolvable. (DO NOT REJECT A TICKET UNLESS YOU ARE SURE IT CAN NOT BE RESOLVED; WHEN IN DOUBT ASK)

All Holder functions can be accessed by having a headset equipped. To open your Dispatch Browser simply right click on your headset.


Reporters are the primary source of Dispatches. If you are not a Holder you are considered a Reporter. Creating a Dispatch is rather simple and all you need to do is activate the "Report Issue" Action Button. After doing so you will be presented with a TGUI window that allows you to input a variety of information, most of which is required, and then submit the Dispatch. You can also choose from a selection of preset Templates that fill in most of the information for you! When you are creating a Dispatch the information you are required to input are: Title, Description, Type, Priority; however you can also: Attach an Image and designate a suspect.