Корпоративный закон

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Notice: This page contains a WIP, beta version of Corpregs 2.0, anything and everything is subject to change. Contact Slowloris#1480, Floof Ball#0798, Vizoplez#1039 with any criticisms.


Station Control and Conflict Management Regulations (Space Law) SCCMR, colloquially known as ‘Corporate Regulations’, is Nanotrasen’s corporate law, it does not apply everywhere besides stations belonging to NT. Whilst Nanotrasen’s own security isn’t present on some frontier stations, Lopland security enforces corporate law.

According to the laws of SolGov, NanoTransen lacks the authority or judicial privileges to execute an individual. Fortunately or perhaps unfortunately, such transgressions are rarely looked into on the frontiers.

SCCMR is not secret. The Head of Security & Centcom Officials have in-depth knowledge of SCCMR. The Captain, Security, Head of Personnel, the Blueshield, the Lawyer(s) and Silicons are encouraged to have above-average knowledge of SCCMR. Everyone not mentioned has layman-level knowledge, apart from Antagonists, who can have as much knowledge on it as they like.

Your primary objective as security and/or antagonist is to create the best roleplay opportunities possible for the server and the biggest net-gain of fun for everyone involved. This is how you actually win at the game.

General Overview

Corporate regulations are a form of cataloguing and classing behaviour - criminal or nuisance.


Injunctions are corrective measures to undesirable crew behaviour. They can be issued with misdemeanours and higher punishments in place of or in addition to regular penalties. Plea bargains are common causes for injunctions. Injunctions require a paper copy. The suspect is entitled to a copy, the original must be stored.

Injunction Specifics
Injunctions cannot impact on the suspects current ability to perform their duties.
You MUST demote the suspect if the injunction would bar or significantly impair their ability to do their job.
Example: You cannot bar a scientist from entering science; as it would prevent them from performing their Job.
• Injunctions may not last over thirty minutes.
• Injunctions may not prohibit the suspect from accessing any essential service - such as Medical


• Injunctions listed as a penalty only require the arresting Officer's approval to be put in place; but may be over-ruled by someone higher in the CoC (Chain Of Command)
• Injunctions not listed as a penalty require approval from the Warden, Head of Security or Captain (or acting).
• An injunction can be taken as a plea bargain and must always have the suspect’s signature. The suspect is entitled to a paper copy.

Crime Tiers

1. Minor: General crime of low severity - Usually fines.

2. Medium: Crime that would evoke brig time upon being committed.

3. Major: Crimes that would warrant a long sentence, while avoiding permabrig.

4. Exceptional: Crimes that would warrant serious brig time upon being committed.

5. Capital: Crimes that will result in an execution; or serious, lifechanging consequences for the Suspect.

Criminal Offenses

Quick Code Reference

Code 1XX - Minor 2XX - Medium 3XX - Major 4XX - Exceptional 5XX - Capital
01 Battery Assault Aggravated Assault Murder/Attempted Murder Annihilation
02 Damage to the Station Creating a Workplace Hazard Sabotage Grand Sabotage Terrorism
03 Disorderly Conduct Rioting Inciting a Riot Unwarranted Mutiny
04 Petty Theft Robbery Theft Grand Theft
05 Drug Possession Narcotics Distribution Enemy Of The Station
06 Animal Cruelty Violating an Injunction Assault of an Officer
07 Abuse of Equipment Abuse Of Confiscated Equipment
8 Rubbernecking Overreach of Executive Powers Manslaughter
09 Trespassing Eavesdropping Major Trespass
10 Possession of a Weapon Possession of A Restricted Weapon
11 Kidnapping Kidnapping of an Officer Sexual Assault
12 Insubordination Escaping Confinement
13 Medical Malpractice

Processing Standards.

Brigging Procedure

This excerpt intends to help you properly process, punish and otherwise maintain prisoners through general guidelines.

Brig Procedures

• Bring the suspect into the brig, handcuffs are optional but encouraged. Alert the Warden or HoS if no Warden is present to the arrival of you and the prisoner.

• Place the suspect into the holding cell if necessary, storing their bag and/or belt in the locker and enter their crimes into the security records.

• As soon as the security records have been updated, return the suspect's possessions to them and either fine them, release them, or proceed to prison procedures.

Prison Procedures

• Escort the prisoner to the prison locker room and have them drop everything they have in the locker, except their jumpsuit, then have the prisoner step out of the locker.

• Use the locker interface to be given a prison ID card and jumpsuit for the prisoner. Enter their name, crime(s) and duration.

• Allow the prisoner to change out their jumpsuit with the prison jumpsuit in the changing room. Wordlessly stripping prisoners is considered battery. Note: martial artists forfeit their rights to decency. You may strip martial artists and dress them without their consent. The same applies to previously non-compliant suspects.

• Ensure the prisoner enters the prison. Optional: Assign the prisoner a cell block. Put the prisoner’s old jumpsuit that they took off into the locker if you haven’t already.

• Once released, the prisoner is able to retrieve their items and dress themselves. Ensure they have returned the prison clothing and let them out of security.

Execution Procedures

Unlawful executions are considered manslaughter if the execution was the cause of incompetence. When evidence shows the execution was not caused by incompetence, the punishment is murder, or when relevant, annihilation.

All Executions require either the Acting Captain, Head Of Security or Captain's Permission.

Executions may be done either by lethal injection or by firing squad.

Lethal injection:

1. The captain, the HoS and a medical professional must be present. Additional personnel may be admitted as witnesses by the captain or HoS.

2. The prisoner must be buckled in a suitable execution room and allowed their final words.

3. The medical professional proceeds now with the administration of the lethal injection.

4. The body of the prisoner should either be incinerated or stored in a body bag marked "Do not revive". If the injection fails, the Captain is free to execute the prisoner by other means.

Firing squad:

1. The Captain and HoS must be present. There must be at least two designated shooters. Additional personnel may be admitted as witnesses by the captain or HoS.

2. The prisoner should be escorted to a suitable location and allowed their final words.

3. The Captain or HoS commands the designated shooters to fire. Only strictly lethal anti-personnel weaponry is allowed to be used.

4. The prisoner's body should either be incinerated or placed in a body bag marked "Do not revive".

Dealing with Riots

Station Riots:

Travel in buddy teams (pairs), an alone officer is a dead officer. Retreat to the armoury and obtain the appropriate equipment. Riot suits, helmets and shields will be invaluable in any melee fight. Make sure you still have a non-lethal option. Avoid carrying more than you need. Opt for non-lethal capture where possible. Use internals and adopt reasonable spacing to avoid gas and explosives from decimating the entire team. Don’t get greedy and over-extend yourselves. When stepping into riot situations without intelligence, it’s incredibly easy to get ambushed. Once a single officer falls and is captured, all of the security comms are compromised and now the rioters have access to security as well as security equipment. Travel in a group. If the rioters are contained within an area, start blocking off escapes. Consider using escapes as an alternative point of entry.

Detailed Crime Information.

Minor Crimes

Abuse of Equipment - 107

To utilize security/non-lethal equipment in an illegitimate fashion.
Penalties: Use this to punish people for 'dicking about' over more severe crimes.
The use of disabling devices, such as Flashes, Batons, Tasers/Disablers, and non-lethal rounds, outside the range of one's assigned duties. This should cover non-sec using items i.e. greytide with a flash randomly flashing people

OOC Notes: This is ideally meant to punish people who randomly kill station pets.

Animal Cruelty - 106

To Inhumanely injure, torture or otherwise abuse animals.
Penalties: 5 minute sentence & 100 credit fine
This crime exists for the CMO randomly killing runtime in their office; Not to punish chefs who kill monkeys or Pete in their back fridge; Take into consideration the intent - does it align with their job?

OOC Notes: This is ideally meant to punish people who randomly kill station pets.

Battery - 101

To use physical force against someone without intent to seriously injure the target.
Penalties: 5 minute sentence & 100 credit fine
Repeated attempts at disarming (more than 3), tabling, non-lethal chokeholds, minor punching (less than four), smashing bottles on heads, and stunning are all considered battery. For serious harm, see Assault.

OOC Notes: This is meant to punish people for spamshoving/shittery; Consent is however, key here. Dont punish two people for battery for fighting in the corridors consensually - charge them with disorderly conduct.

Damage to Station Infrastructure - 102

To deliberately damage the station or station property to a minor degree with malicious intent.
Penalties: 5 minute sentence & 100 credit fine
Departmental Pets, Cyborgs, Xenobio golems, and personal pets are station property. Graffiti is not considered Damage to Station Assets, but destruction of personal belongings or property is. For serious damage to station property, see Sabotage.

OOC Notes: This is mostly meant to protect the station from greytiders breaking in everywhere; such as, people hacking doors. While not sabotage, is damage to station infrastructure.

Disorderly Conduct - 103

To be intentionally and publicly belligerent, offensive or in general - a nuisance.
Penalties: 100 credit fine
Spamming offensive racial terms over common, slurs included - being a general nuisance, screaming down your microphone.

OOC Notes: This is meant to allow sec to fine people for spamming 'Ligger' and other offensive terms over comms, in public, ecetera, or just being a general nuisance to the station

Drug Possession - 105

To possess space drugs, ambrosia, krokodil, crank, meth, aranesp, bath salts, THC, or other narcotics, by unauthorized personnel.
Penalties: 100 credit fine & confiscation
Botanists and MedSci staff are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation. For distribution, see Narcotics Distribution.

OOC Notes: This is meant to allow security to punish botany for carrying 20 kilos of methamphetamine worth of plants - and an assistant 'magically' ending up with some of it.

Petty Theft - 104

To take items from areas one lacks access to, or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole.
Penalties: 100 credit fine & confiscation or return of stolen item(s)
Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them is guilty of Petty Theft. Resisting demotion is considered Petty Theft. For more serious cases, see Theft or Robbery

OOC Notes: Don't abuse this to brig an assistant for taking spare cable coils; use it to punish hoarders (hardsuits, medical supplies ecetera)

Rubbernecking - 108

Observing a scene of an accident, crime or emergency in an unduly manner.
Penalties: Forceful removal from the area & 100 credit fine
The security department is not immune from rubbernecking, as not every engineering or medical emergency requires their presence. The first professional responder at the site of the emergency takes full authority on who is allowed to be present, with their supervisor being able to replace that authority at any time. Obstructing an arrest is included in this.

OOC Notes: Use this to disperse an undue crowd that may end up interfering with security operations; or in general, use it to get people to back off on a threat of being fined - Don't abuse this to instantly baton somebody the second you see them enter a crime scene.

Trespass - 109

To be in an area which a person lacks authorized ID access for. This counts for general areas of the station.
Penalties: Forceful removal from the area & 100 credit fine
Remember that people can break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in, or was otherwise given access. Trespass and Theft are often committed together; both sentences should be applied. For restricted areas, see Major Trespass.

OOC Notes: Needs to be clear that this is for trespassing only i.e. the door was open

Moderate Crimes

Abuse of Confiscated Equipment - 207

To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence.
Penalties: Investigation and Subsequent Demotion if claims are found to be true; bar an extreme emergency situation
Evidence is not to be used for anything but evidence with the exception of the Syndicate Encryption Key. Anything used in a crime is considered evidence, this includes everything from tools, to guns, to emags. For general abuse of security equipment, see Abuse of Equipment.

OOC Notes: This should be ahelped if anyone gets charged with it; using evidence is against server rules due to powergaming policy. This does not count as a rulebreak if an officer picks up a dropped gun in the middle of the firefight; and uses it to save their own life

Assault - 201

To use excessive physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them.
Penalties:500 credit fine reparation to the victim and 5 minutes brig unless forgiven by the assaulted.
To cause serious but non-critical harm to another crewmember including, but not limited to, forcible/deceptive ingestion of toxic or illicit substances. For life-threatening harm, see Aggravated Assault.

OOC Notes: This is used to charge people for critting others in situations where said force is disproportional or entirely unwarranted.

Creating A Workplace Hazard - 202

To endanger the crew or station through negligent but not deliberately malicious actions.
Penalties:500 credit fine; Demotion or brig upon relevant head of staffs request. If suspect is a Head Of Staff, demotion or brig upon CC or Captain request.
Examples of this crime involve accidental plasma leaks, slipping hazards, accidentally shocking doors, breaking windows to space, or Security personnel not keeping their equipment secure. A banana peel in the corridor is not a hazard. A banana peel in front of the singularity is. For Workplace Hazards that lead to death, see Manslaughter.

OOC Notes: This is used to charge people for continually posing a threat to themselves and others through sheer incompetence or negligence(The HoP hitting a welding tank with lethal lasers in a firefight, for example)

Eavesdropping - 209

To listen into private security, command or central command communications without proper authorisation.
Penalties: 500-1000 credit fine depending on severity of communications listened in to. Confiscation of all related equipment; brig time optional (10 minutes maximum)
To listen in upon Security, Command OR CC Chatter. Security has a 500 credit penalty, Command 1000 and CC 1000 + Brig mandatory.

OOC Notes: This is used to punish people for stealing and using encryption keys with MALICIOUS intent. Intent is key here; You do not brig someone for taking the captains headset after they had died mysteriously in maint to report it over loud-voice.

Insubordination - 212

To refuse a lawful, reasonable order from a superior member of staff; relevant Head of Staff or otherwise.
Penalties: 250 credit fine, demotion optional upon request of relevant head of staff.
To deliberately ignore, mal-interpret (maliciously perform) or in general refute your head of staffs or relevant superiors orders.

OOC Notes: This is to punish people deliberately disobeying orders; that is, if they are lawful orders. You cannot charge someone with Insub for refusing to follow an unlawful order (for example, medical malpractice).

Medical Malpractice - 213

To unethically operate, treat or otherwise injure a patient; or reveal private information.
Penalties: 10 minutes brig, 250 credit fine. Demotion optional upon Request of the CMO.
Practising medicine as a doctor on a patient without their consent or otherwise betraying the trust of the patient. Denying medical treatment to someone in need as a doctor. A psychiatrist/psychotherapist may evaluate and issue a documented veto on anybody's ability to consent to treatment.

OOC Notes: This exists to stop doctors from forcefully applying chloral hydrate to people who do not consent to treatment; and in general exists as an IC shield against shittery.

Overreach of Executive Powers - 208.

To over-reach your executive powers as a head of staff.
Penalties: 10 minutes brig. Demotion optional upon Request of the Captain or Acting Captain. If the suspect is the acting captain, it falls to the HoS or next in line.
Excessive acts beyond the designated profession, active disrespect of the command chain or excessive amassing of power. To simplify; over-exercising your power as a head of staff to distribute orders to those you are not in control of; or attempting to give illicit orders.

OOC Notes: This exists as a method for security to counter heads of staff abusing their power - for example - the HoP giving somebody all access; or a weapons permit without the HoS's permission - or relative head of staff.

Narcotics Distribution - 205

To distribute narcotics and other controlled substances. This includes ambrosia and space drugs. It is not illegal for them to be grown.
Penalties: 10 minutes brig; destruction of involved materials, confiscation of any illicitly earned funds.
Forcing or tricking someone to consume illicit or harmful substances, such as space drugs, is Assault. For non-distributed drugs used for recreation, see Drug Possession.

OOC Notes: This exists to hopefully help curtail botany distributing plants filled with mindbreaker, spacetoxin, mushroom hallucinogenic. Use it to curtail druglords; not somebody selling medicinal apples.

Possession of a Weapon - 210

To be in possession of a dangerous item that is not part of one's job.
Penalties: 5 minutes brig, 250 credit fine, confiscation of weapon.
Possessing a dangerous or potentially dangerous weapon that is not apart of ones job description - for example, an assistant possessing a hatchet would be possession of a weapon; However, if a botanist were to have a hatchet - they would be exempt as it is apart of their standard gear.

OOC Notes: Use your brain on this one; If they should probably have it as apart of their job, they should not be charged with possession of a weapon. However - if they were to then assault someone with said weapon; they could be charged with Possession (using their job equipment outside of the scope of their job).

Rioting - 203

To engage or encourage riotous behaviour among yourself and fellow crewmates.
Penalties: 15 minutes brig, 250 credit fine.
People screaming for riots over the radio are not to be charged with this; refer to 'Inciting A Riot Instead'; this is for people who actually engage in riotous behaviour - bashing windows, unlawfully protesting, assaulting officers.

OOC Notes: Think about this carefully; are they a ringleader or someone swept up in the excitement of the riot? Charge accordingly.

Robbery - 204

To steal items from another's person via force or other forms of coercion such as threats
Penalties: 15 minutes brig, 250 credit fine, return of stolen items.
Charge people with this for highway robbery - holding people at gunpoint/knifepoint, stealing their stuff and then letting them go; in more extreme cases, default to theft.

OOC Notes: Used to punish people for threatening others into giving up valuable gear; bar life-saving situations.

Violating an Injunction - 206

To refuse to follow an injunction.
Penalties: 10 minutes brig, 500 credit fine. If the fine cannot be paid; Escalate the timer to 15 minutes.
Charge people for this if they violate the terms of their injunction; Make sure to give them the benefit of the doubt where possible - An accidental encounter with someone is not violating a restraining order.

OOC Notes: Used to punish people who deliberately go out of their way to void their injunction.

Major Crimes

Aggravated Assault - 301

To use excessive physical force resulting in severe or life-threatening harm
Penalties: 15 minutes brig, 250 credit fine. No time or fine if the victim forgives them.
Keep intent and the circumstances behind it in mind here; Was the aggravated assault done in self defence? (Toolboxing greyshit mcgrey in the head until crit after they broke in and threatened them with a knife), or was it unprovoked and spontaneous. Aggravated assault is also applied if the victim suffers broken bones, disfiguring or internal bleeding, regardless of current status.

OOC Notes: Intent and circumstance are very, very important here; and need to be heavily considered. Give them less, or completely removed time if the victim was a Teshari, or other race that are heavily receptive to brute(such as Avali) or players with brittle bones/paper skin (As fists can cause bone breaks).

Assault of an Officer - 306

To cause serious but non-life threatening harm to a member of Command or Security. For disarming, grabbing, or stunning an officer during an arrest, see Resisting Arrest. Battery, Assault, and Aggravated Assault do not stack with this charge.
Penalties: 20 minutes brig, demotion optional if assault was committed with equipment from their job.
Use this for being hit with a toolbox or fire-extinguisher or the equivalent multiple times - things that will severely harm and injure you; but not pose a life-threatening risk. Treat a repeat instance of (if done during arrest) as Attempting to Escape Confinement(if the intent was to pull the other suspect away from you)

OOC Notes: Use this to punish people assaulting you with any weapon that does trauma; brute or burn or otherwise - doubly so if they do it during an arrest. Keep in mind what was used though; Fists and shoves are not assault, merely batterly

Escaping Confinement - 312

Breaking out of imprisonment or attempting to break others out of confinement.
Penalties: See Notes. Stack with A&A(Aiding And Abetting)
This is a complex topic; if the attempt at escaping confinement was peaceful, you would give them five minutes solitary (assuming they were already imprisoned.) However, if they were attempting to break someone out as an external actor, you would mirror the persons sentence who they were trying to break out, and give them an additional ten minutes in solitary.

OOC Notes: Keep in mind the intent during escape; Did they attempt to violently escape and injure officers, did they attempt to break somebody out violently?

Inciting a Riot - 303

Deliberately inciting riotous behaviour among crewmembers.
Penalties: 30 minutes brig. Demotion mandatory.
This is only used to punish ringleaders of the riots; the people who initially provoke and maintain the burning fire of rage within the mob.

OOC Notes: Use this to punish ringleaders versus random people involved in the riot; intent is important once more.

Unlawful Imprisonment/Kidnapping 211&311

To hold a member of the Crew, Command, Security, or any Central Command VIP under duress or against their will.
Penalties: 20-45 minutes brig. Demotion optional on VIP's discretion or Relevant Head of Staffs command
Scale timer with who and what was kidnapped; Give 30 minutes, for example, if they kidnap the Captain via nonharmful methods - Injector full of tirizine for example, give them 45 minutes for using lethal force against officers in order to kidnap one.

OOC Notes: Intent is very important here; was the kidnapping done with lethal force, was it meant to serve as a way to gain money; or favour?

Major Trespass - 309

Being in a restricted area without prior authorization. This includes Security areas, Command areas (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research, Vault, and AI Core.
Penalties: 20 mins brig. Demotion Optional on Captain/HoS Request.
Intent is oh so very important here; was it an accident or a deliberate trespass, did they break and enter in? All of this should be considered - their job especially. An engineer breaking and entering to trespass in the AI core should be treated as a malicious action; but if an assistant gets wormholed in, it should be treated as an accident without brig time.

OOC Notes: Intent is extremely important here; and the circumstances behind it.

Sabotage - 302

To massively hinder the crew via destruction of station assets.
Penalties: 45 mins brig. Demotion Mandatory if applicable.
Intent is important here, was it an accident or was it deliberate? If it was the second (Deliberate plasmaflooding), it falls under sabotage - and could even fall under terrorism if the circumstances are correct (plasmaflooding the brig/delaminating the supermatter.)

OOC Notes: This is usually reserved for minor cases of terrorism such as bombing chemistry/medical with low yield explosives; same as unwrenching air pipes, sabotaging the air network, ecetera.

Manslaughter - 308

To cause death to a person via deliberate attack or excessive negligence, without any intent to kill.
Penalties: 30 minutes brig time, demotion optional on relevant head of staffs request.
Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim raises this to Murder. If any evidence of intent exists, see Murder.

OOC Notes: Use this to punish people who accidentally kill someone if they break into their department; For example, an engineer critting an assistant with a welder, and said assistant then dying. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Intent to provide aid(such as them using their epipen on the victim) must be present.

Theft - 304

To hinder the crew via theft of station assets in a way that results in a detrimental outcome.
Penalties: 30 minutes brig. Demotion Mandatory if Requested by Relevant Head Of Staff.
This exclusively covers things like hoarding engi hardsuits and extremely important viral vaccines during an outbreak or engine delamination. This is theft that is directly leading to the endangerment of the entire crew (versus grand theft; the theft of high priority items)

OOC Notes: This is entirely in place to punish hoarders who hoard hardsuits during a dangerous delamination that could potentially end the round (tesloose SM)

Exceptional Crimes

Attempted Murder/Murder - 401

To use excessive physical force with intention to cause death, or to actually cause death.
Penalties: 50 minutes brig with demotion optional if Relevant Head Of Staff Requests.
Use of lethal weaponry such as firearms and explosives are considered as intent to murder. If aid was rendered to the victim by the perpetrator afterwards, this may actually be Manslaughter.

OOC Notes: This only counts as murder if the victim died due to a direct result of their actions; with no attempt made to aid them during their final moments. Intent is extremely important here, it can be the difference between 30 minutes and 50.

Grand Sabotage - 402

To deliberately delaminate or release any engine, sabotage any engine in any way shape or form, steal the nuclear core or other forms of grand sabotage.
Penalties: Permanent confinement without appeal.
Releasing damaging/lethal viruses, hotwiring the engine, disabling the gravity generator, disabling power for a department or equivalently large portion of the station, subverting or destroying the AI, opening several holes in the station hull, setting fire to large areas, detonating multiple cyborgs, and activating high-yield explosives all count as Grand Sabotage. For lesser acts, see Sabotage. If death was caused, see Murder.

OOC Notes: Use this to charge people who attempt to destroy large sections of the station via engine delamination or plasmaflooding. Escalate to terrorism if damage done was great enough to severely wound the stations probability of staying habitable.

Grand Theft - 404

To steal items of high value or sensitive nature from either an area or one's person.
Penalties: 40 minutes brig to Unlimited Permabrig.
Theft of cutting-edge technology, documents, and research samples. Examples include hand teleporters, the Captain/Head of Security's Antique Laser, Captain/HoP level ID cards, mechas, and departmental door remotes. For theft of less important property, see Theft or Petty Theft.

OOC Notes: Use this wisely - someone attempting to steal a set of blueprints; hell, even photographing them probably shouldn't be thrown into solitary for the rest of the round. However, if someone tried stealing both the Nuclear Authentication Disk, Captains spare ID and the Plutonium Core; that would warrant permabrig, if not perma solitary. Scale this with other relevant crimes too..

Sexual Assault - 411

To sexually ingress upon ones person without consent.
Penalties: 60 minutes, mandatory tracking implant on release.
Good faith is extremely important here. Sexual harassment/molestation is NOT sexual assault. Instead, apply an injunction which is far more flexible and can be used to fit the situation on a case by case basis. This keeps people from getting an hour in the permabrig for using a mechanical ass-slap from overzealous security officers.

OOC Notes: Use this in good faith. A kidnapping attempt is not a sexual assault attempt. We have noticed a few overzealous security officers abusing this to give antagonists the maximum sentence possible, even if they are merely trying to do their objectives

Enemy Of The Station - 405

Any entity, person or otherwise object that would pose a significant threat to the station, its crew in any way, shape or capacity; Read the notes for further information
Penalties: Notes Required: Permabrig - Execution.
Any entity, person or otherwise object that would pose a significant threat to the station, its crew in any way, shape or capacity; theoretical or not. This applies to things like Nuclear Operatives or Unsanctioned Biological Entities as two main examples. This can only be charged for with significant evidence against the suspect; any mis-use will surely trigger an investigation from local SolGov or NT Representatives. Execution is authorised if the subject poses a significant threat through their own actions, or actions of another - Attempting to escape immediately escalates them to a Capital-Class crime. Note: One does not pose a serious threat to the station without provable intent, such as being found with. High explosives, Extremely Restricted Weaponry (High power revolvers, assault rifles, grenades), Gear used in sabotage of station assets(Gear to steal the plutonium core.)

OOC Notes: This exists solely for detaining antagonists that have otherwise been terrorising the station without committing any other major crime (with proof). This has been temporarily added as a test; misusing of this will likely invoke a security ban. Use this only in good faith to detain bad faith actors. Do not try and push for execution unless they try to violently escape.

Capital Crimes


All of these crimes usually warrant execution upon the person being found; doubly so if they resist. These crimes usually require direct witnesses and confirmation to charge for. This means you should ideally be using these crimes as a last resort charge.

Annihilation - 501

Complete destruction of the victim, where they are completely unrecoverable. This is only punishable with the loss of the victim’s brain.
Penalties: Execution upon discretion of the captain, otherwise, permanent confinement. If proven to be violent, Unlimited Solitary Confinement.
This is your bread and butter for serial bombers; if they end up killing someone past the point of revival, stack this and terrorism. To specify; This crime is only applied on instances where a victim cannot be revived because they have been destroyed. This does not count towards DNR people.

OOC Notes: Use this to punish people who have been round removing via throwing brains into lava, space or otherwise cremating bodies.

Unjustified Mutiny - 503

To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause.
Penalties: Execution upon discretion of the captain, otherwise, permanent confinement. If proven to be violent, Unlimited Solitary Confinement.
Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. Application of this crime should always be reviewed by a third party. If the perpetrator's actions are for the betterment of Nanotrasen, or the station as a whole, consider a lesser sentence, pardon, or promotion.

OOC Notes: Use this to punish people who are wrongfully and randomly trying to incite mutinies. Dont punish people who had a legitimate reason for a mutiny (such as the captain ordering nuke-codes constantly).

Terrorism - 502

To create mass-destruction and/or terror with intent in a malicious way.
Penalties: Execution upon approval of the Captain. Otherwise, Solitary for 30 minutes; then Permabrig
Any form of bombing bar accidental or random should be charged for this; especially if it took place in a public area or command/security area. Specifically; Bombing areas like the Bar, Central Primary Hallway, Brig, Bridge All count as Terrorism.

OOC Notes: Use this to punish anyone who serially bombs sizeable sections of the station or plants a bomb that intentionally kills or maims a significant number of crew.

Special Situations and Modifiers

Situation Notes Modifier
Violently Resisting Arrest This refers to the prisoner battering and/or assaulting others in their attempts to resist arrest. Trying to to crawl away once being batoned is not considered "violently resisting arrest", nor is running. Add ten minutes onto the suspect's sentence for each battery and/or assault they committed during their resistance.
Non-Violently Resisting Arrest Breaking free of cuffs and attempting to escape without harming anyone. Harm in this instance is defined by causing them damage. Shoving that deals no brute damage is not considered harmful thus isn't considered violent. Add an extra minute on for Minor crimes; such as battery, five for a Medium tier, Ten for a Major, Twenty for an Exceptional. Use this in good faith.
Station-Wide Threat If the prison is breached, lock the prisoners in a room that isn’t venting. If a tesloose or singuloose is approaching, evacuate the prison and take the prisoners towards a safe location. If the prisoner cannot reliably be kept in custody whilst transporting them away from imminent danger of death, consider paroling them. Relocate the prisoner to a safe location, even if it risks them escaping, if the prison is under threat. During Delta-level threats, prisoners can be pardoned.
Cooperation with Prosecution and/or Security Being helpful towards security by confessing conspirators, revealing other suspects and supplying information of value, such as revealing hostile agents. A decrease of up to 50% of sentence time or an instant release depending on the situation. In some cases, the suspect should be given protective custody.
Self Defense Suspects who are defending themselves or others from attack and are forced to retaliate and respond with proportionate force are to be excused. This does not excuse from grossly disproportionate responses. Someone punching you once does not warrant turning around and blasting their face with a pulse rifle. Instant release.
Deconversion This pertains to any instance where the suspect was brainwashed or otherwise was not in control of their mind. Instant release and expungement of any crimes committed whilst under converted.
Incapable of Secure Confinement This refers to hostile creatures that have the ability to teleport outside of confinement, pry out of containment with ease or cannot be contained at all. Being stronger than usual and being able to snap the chains between handcuffs does not count as "incapable of secure confinement", don't toy with this. You may push for execution if the suspect is violent and cannot be contained. If the suspect is non-violent, contact Central Command for a verdict. (OOC: This is a protection from over-zealous security players who are incapable of acting in good-faith.)
Aiding and Abbeting This refers to aiding a known criminal, this includes interfering in their arrest, breaking a prisoner out of brig, hiding a fugitive or providing medical care The same sentence as the criminal they are aiding
Breaking and Entering This modifier is to be used atop other crimes; for example, did the suspect break into an area to assault someone - did they B&E and Restricted Trespass? An additional Ten Minutes for Minor crimes, Fifteen for Medium/Major, Twenty Five for Exceptional.