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Some announcements have been edited to be more concise.

Skyrat Silicon Policy 2.1

Date: 16/10/2021
Announcer: tf4
Hey Crew. We're going to be implementing new silicon policy, found here: This will be put in place immediately, and the lawset adjusted to be in accordance with it. Please take some time to read it through, to become familiar with it - whether you play silicons or not, it will most likely be relevant to you at some point.
Key points:

  • No grief law uploads, cryoing immediately when subverted, needlessly announcing law updates, or bad-faith roleplay.
  • You cannot build additional upload consoles if you are not an antagonist. Anyone who wants to change laws has to do it at the existing upload console. I'm fairly certain this rule is because of me, haha!

Security Changes

Date: 03/10/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
Hi Crew!

We are testing out a major change to security.

Firstly, we are buffing security, so that they are more capable of handling situations in a more non-lethal way. Hopefully, this boost to their ability to crowd control will help make security be more enjoyable without neutering antagonists.

Secondly, we are getting rid of civil dispute officers (this may be temporary, as they may be coming back), instead we will have guards for each department as a test. Department guards are loyal to their specific department and its respective heads, but they are expected to cooperate with security for any on-going inter-departmental incidents, violent crimes, or emergency situations. When it comes to minor or non-violent crimes or people that have ceased being a threat, the department guard will have full authority to handle anything that happens within their department and may escort offenders to security for processing. For any departments lacking department guards, security officers will handle any security-related incident.

Department guards are allowed to chase suspects into another department and hallway, however, it will be considered an inter-departmental incident which means security will be the one in charge of the situation.

Department guards and the security department should both be cooperative with one another. However, the department guards should maintain the interests of their department. Additionally, we have some updates to our policies in addition to some new ones.

Key points:

  • Don't make Mary Sue characters.
  • Department guards are loyal to their heads, not security.


Date: 16/09/1984
Announcer: Xyelgazel

I want to make a few things clear for you folks, Crew.

It is absolutely normal to hang out with your friends on Skyrat. We encourage people to form friendships here and find out compatible roleplaying partners. Just remember that other folks exist, and you should always be open to RP with others. This is a public server. You should be mingling with everyone (although this doesn't mean you can't have private moments). Be more than just your circle of friends. Be your character.

What is not okay is acting as if your circle is exclusive and ignoring or mistreating people outside of your friend group. It is not okay to favor your friends over others ICly for OOC reasons, i.e. picking the same OOC friends over and over again or special privileges while playing as the captain. It is not okay to play as an antagonist and team with your non-antag friends and vice versa. At the end of the day, you need play as your character, and you need to be OOCly considerate of others. Instead of focusing on who your OOC friends are, focus on being your character and how you can contribute to the roleplaying environment. This isn't a chatroom. This is SS13.

If we see that a metagroup is attempting to isolate, exclude, or bully others, we will permaban those responsible. If you see that your metagroup is giving preferential treatment to another adversially affects the game, you will be dealt with harshly. We have seen everything from metagroups spreading incredibly harmful rumors about a player they do not like to metagroups that discriminate against those that are not part of their circle. None of that is allowed here.

If you are concerned about this announcement, you are free to reach out to colonel agony for the time being if you like for further clarification. Furthermore, quit being toxic about Voxes. I'm going to instruct staff to freely give lengthy chat ban to those that are persistently toxic about Vox players. Yes, some Vox players have their issues, but it is not fair to other Vox players who play cleanly. If you have an issue, use staff-help instead of being toxic.

Key points:

  • Don't make a metagroup. Don't be mean to other people based on a perceived metagroup.
  • It does say "persistently toxic."

Security Grouping

Date: 03/09/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
FYI, if a staff member has told you not to group up, that is incorrect. Currently, security is balanced around working together. Yes, you should avoid having five security officers on the scene for a mild or moderate crime. However, if the situation calls for it, grouping up into a team is not a bad idea.
Key points:

  • Group up.

Stacking Charges

Date: 25/08/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
Hi all, we are retracting this until new sentences are setup without stacking in mind. Corporate Regulation WAS made with stacking in mind, so please disregard what was said here. So stack sentences for now but do so in good faith. Stacking sentences is allowed again. Corporate Regulation was designed with stacking in mind. So, disregard the earlier announcement and pay heed to the new one. We will see about making a new sentencing scheme that befits a non-stacking setup. (Or at least against abusive ones)
Key points:

  • Stack charges when arresting people.

Stacking Charges

Date: 25/08/2021
Announcer: GoldenAlpharex

Restated in the above announcement.

Hey there Announcements! This is a quick one for Security and Antagonist players, we've realized that there was a policy in Corporate Regulations that wasn't clearly stated anywhere, the Stacking Charges policy, and as such it was added to the wiki page, which can be found here: Corporate_Regulations#Processing_Standards.

Here's how it goes: Stacking Charges In the event you have multiple charges within the same tier, only the highest time within that tier applies. And only once. Two Minor crimes that are both 15 minutes results in just 15 minutes, whereas a 15 minutes and 20 minutes charge will result in 20. Basically, don't stack charges with the same first digit unless explicitly told otherwise in the "Special Situations and Modifiers" section.

As someone I talked to rephrased it yesterday, another way of seeing it (to help make it clearer) is as follows: Sentences for charges of the same tier are served in parallel. That means that if a clown did a 201 (Assault with actual body harm) that would result in a 10 minutes sentence, as well as a 205 (Narcotics Distribution), which is also 10 minutes, said clown would only stay in a cell for 10 minutes, serving for the 201 and the 205 at the same time. However, if they did a 205 as well as a 106 (Animal Cruelty, which is 5 minutes), then they'd stay in a cell for 15 minutes.

Do note that this doesn't mean you can't charge them with a 201 and a 205 at the same time, you definitely can, it's just the time they spend in brig that doesn't add up when they're in the same tier. Exceptions should be detailed in Special Situations and Modifiers and you should follow those first.

Hopefully this makes it clearer for y'all, feel free to ask us if you have any questions related to this.

Key points:

  • Stack charges when arresting people, but not in the same tier. 15 sentence plus another 15 sentence is 15, but a 5 and a 15 is 20.

Roleplay on the station

Date: 23/08/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
Let me make it clear that if you treat the station itself as place to have OOC interaction with your friends, you are sorely mistaken. We expect you to roleplay when on the station. It's okay to hang out with your metafriends on the station, but you should not act OOC in IC. Wordless interactions to shit it up with your friends breaks immersion and breaks the rules we have in place. You get one temporary ban and then a permanent ban after that.

Take that shit to the ghost cafe.

We've been warnings you guys that we would be more strict, and we will be. I have already banned a number of individuals from the server for this behavior. Conduct yourself in an IC manner, roleplay, contribute to the immersion without breaking it, and have fun. Do not treat the game as if it is meant for OOC interactions. That's what the ghost cafe, Freedom Server (while unpopulated), Discord, and OOC chat is for. P.S. I don't mind small acknowledgements from one to another if you recognize itself, but it shouldn't break immersion. That's the main thing. If you want to hang out together but if you do so ICly, that's 100% fine. Just don't break immersion.
Key points:

  • Make sure to FULLY IMMERSE yourself in the DEEP roleplaying and ROBUST gameplay.
  • IC complaints about lag: Spacetime distortions. IC complaints about bugs: Bluespace Anomaly. IC complaints about admins or coders: Idiot executives at Centcom.

Being toxic

Date: 22/08/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
I have a very simple message to spread: stop being toxic towards things you dislike.

I am seeing hatred at pretty much everything an individual dislikes from security officers to antagonists to borgs to Voxes to ERPs of all kinds from those that are ICly consensual to ICly nonconsensual. You might have fun jerking yourself and your fellow circle-jerkers off, but it is not fun for others to have to bear witness to it. This place is not meant to be a hugbox, but it's not meant to be radioactive wasteland either. You can be honest and put up constructive remarks, but the moment you become nasty about it, we will start chat banning folks. Bring up things that need to be addressed, but do so with a cool and level head.

At the end of the day, this is a game. We're all here to have fun. Let's not spoil it for others with our salt and bile. As it's been stated in the server principles, this is all about creating fun, not just for yourself but others. When you do this, it will benefit you too.
Key points:

  • Don't be toxic.

Interlink, NCV titan incident

Date: 20/08/2021
Admin: Xyelgazel, Cobalt

Nothing should make the Interlink a point of contention.

Anything near the Interlink should not make the Interlink a crosspoint for conflict. This is to keep Interlink free of any conflict and allow folks to chill and relax like a fun place to hangout. Now, I heard there was this ship that can also be reached through a shuttle through the Interlink. Don't worry about that. We already had plans to move it to cargo and make it more like a scavenging ship. So, there's that.

Now, I heard about this kerfuffle about a single gun taken from the ship. The gun is unremarkable in terms of its stats and characteristics, and it was not used to actually kill anyone. It's fairly standard from what you would be able to obtain from a standard traitor's kit. You guys are scapegoating it pretty hard. The point of the matter is that security had its armory sabotaged successfully by traitors that left them defenseless. They were unable to recover from that, so things went south. Sometimes, that sort of thing happens. Overall, I understand being frustrated, but taking your frustrations by making someone a scapegoat is a great way for the community to loser good players, staff members, developers, and so forth. Don't do that. Let's be better. We can always find ways to improve the design of the game. :) At the end of the day, it's just a game.

And also, just to clear this up. There are no deathsquad armor/guns/equipment on the NCV Titan. It is balanced around traitor available guns.(The grenades are worse than the syndibombs)

Increasing RP standards

Date: 10/08/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel

As part of our initiative to become more strict, we will now be aggressively pursuing after those that use blatantly OOC gamer and meme words that do not work ICly.

Saying words like 'based' ICly will be tolerated for now as they arguably can work in-game as a slang word, however, I highly recommend you start discarding words like that from your vernacular when it comes to serious discussions ICly or when used to be overly flippant in a serious situation. This is especially true for those who want to play command staff. Take your job seriously ICly, or you will not be allowed to play command.

Saying words like "amogus" which doesn't even work ICly will result in you being given one single warning that will at least cover a week (or more). If you were warned within the week (or more) of the warning, you will be given a week ban minimum. We will consider longer bans, even permanent ones, for repeat offenders. Our goal is for zero LRP. I expect players to be well above the minimum standards and to be deep into MRP as specified here:

Expect more measures to be taken. Players who cannot abide by a roleplaying environment seriously will be tossed. We have been too lenient in the past based on the feedback we received. Too many people are taking advantage of our patience and understanding.

Key points:

  • The word "Based" is a evolution of the human language and probably exists in 2561. "Amogus" doesn't. Keep the LRP down.


Date: 10/08/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel

Based on our observations as staff, we have noticed individuals intentionally try to shoehorn themselves into dangerous scenes cordoned off by security with blatant disregard for their own well-being in an attempt to get past our validhunting rules.

As a result, we are placing a hopefully temporary measure to counter this. (This can also be found under Rule #5 on the Server Rules!)

We will be adding additional both permanent and temporary measures in the nearby future to counteract certain toxic behavior along with LRP behavior ICly in addition to helpful documentations to give guidance. However, our primary focus will be toxic behavior, i.e. toxic OOC behavior and toxic OOC in IC behavior. For instance, we want players to feel more comfortable about playing an IC dick or asshole by teaching them how to do so without causing OOC troubles through a helpful guide. We will also combat people who play IC dicks and asshole in bad faith. We will be seeking to target those that hinder roleplay, target individuals, and so forth. This lowers the quality of fun and also violates our Server Principles. We are aware that this may open up an avenue for baiting, false reports, or people taking genuinely IC sentiments OOCly, so we will work our best to reduce false positives on our end where possible. :)

Lastly, we will be banning more and more aggressively for toxic behavior. Permanent bans will be given to those that have shown no willingness to improve or signs of improvement.

Key points:

  • Don't validhunt.

Useful formatting

Date: 06/08/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
++bold++ ||italics|| __under__ for fancy editing of your text in the server!
Key points:

  • The formating is (as of now): +bold+ |italics| _under_

Banning Zoophillia

Date: 06/08/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
Instead of punishing a group of players over one player's obnoxiousness by completely banning any NSFW quad art, we have decided to implement this rule as a stopgap. This may or may not be temporary. Keep in mind we do reserve the right to ban it entirely if desired: 11) Any NSFW depictions of quadrupeds without humanoid properties requires a spoiler and a warning. This includes sentient regular animals and any other sentient quad creatures that look similar to the animals in our world. This is a temporary ruling. I will also be shutting down threads for the lewd servers at least for the moment, since moderating them will be a pain in the ass.

Ghost role simplemobs

Date: 16/07/2021
Announcer: Piano
As a player controlled mob you are expected to play the role to the best of your ability. This means if you're an animal, act like one. You shouldn't display much intelligence if any. This also means if you're engaging in combat you should refrain from mercing people fully. Play not to win but to create a challenge. You're there to replace AI, make others enjoy the situation as well. If your simple mob is not above simple or "mute" intelligence, using structures such as welding tanks/canisters/boxes to hinder your opponent is entirely forbidden. Do not do this.

Lewd Devices

Date: 14/07/2021
Announcer: tf4
With the organic interface PR once again being tested, I'd like to remind you of this: We've added to new rules to Server Rules: See Rules #4 and #5. This will be part of our effort to target specific prominent LRP behavior we're seeing on the server, since we have long gotten rid of the worst LRPers on the server. This is to target those who are more borderline when it comes to LRP. We will release more details on our efforts soon. Expect more communication on the matter. We also have some ideas on promoting immersive roleplay on the server, i.e. MRP and HRP style roleplay. Lastly, when it comes to lewd devices, do not abuse them, i.e. do not use them to pref-break, do not use them to meme, and so forth. If you act LRP with them, you will be banned hard.

Keep them out of public sight, i.e. keep them in rooms or maintenance. In the cases of items, they should not be egregiously visible in public areas and interactions with it should be kept to subtle/subtler. Do not be LRP with them. Act appropriately with them. You are adults. If we see someone abusing them and memeing/being LRP with them, report them ASAP.

Most of all, don't shove your fetishes into people's faces. Have some respect for people's boundaries. On the flip side, if you accidentally come across a scenario that you do not like but does not violate the rules, please be reasonable and respectful, i.e. handle it ICly if it's semi-public or disregard if private. It goes both ways. Your freedom should not impede another's or vice versa.

Banning excessive memeing

Date: 07/07/1984
Announcer: Xyelgazel
Quit your memeing in-game, unless you want to get banned. I don't want to see you guys playing out your meme on the server. You can do that on the Discord. Want to do it in-game? Go to some other server if you want that. (Picture of a painted red man lying in a ditch hidden by bricks and rubble)

Being toxic to maintainers

Date: 22/06/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel

I understand the vast majority of you are fine. For those that have been good beans, ya'll have been wonderful, and I'm honestly proud of the community we have. However, we face yet another surge of toxicity aimed at developers and maintainers, and we cannot allow this to continue happening. We are losing good contributors due to harassment, and that needs to stop. I think I have been putting out too many half-measures, because I never liked the idea of insulating developers and staff from criticism. However, it's starting to get to the point where it's becoming harassment and we are losing people as a result.

So, I will say this: if we find out you are sending hostile or very unhelpful, negative messages to developers or aimed at them, you will be barred from the Discord, Github, or OOC chatter in-game. We may even choose to bar you from the community as a whole if this continues. See the new community-rules 1f. INSTEAD, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE A NEW PR DEEPLY, DM ME.

If you are giving out helpful critiques, guidance, or just polite feedback, we welcome you to continue doing so! It is absolutely essential that we continue to get feedback, so we can improve the game and know how our players feel! At the end of the day, the problem is toxicity and hostility. This isn't just towards developers either. We should all respect one another from player to player, staff to player, player to staff, and so forth. Hell, I hope I can continue to improve myself as a person as well.

Also, developers are getting their in-game powers back once more! If you are a former coder, spriter, or content creator for the server but wish to make a return, please notify @user.cum(TRUE). If you wish to develop for the server for the first time, same thing! We could use more content creators, so we can continue to improve the server.

Supermatter Engine Delaminations

Date: 21/06/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
Stop experimenting with the engine in unsafe ways on the Main Server. If you are going to experiment, keep it as safe as possible with fail-safes in place to prevent a delam. You are actively ruining rounds for a hundred other individuals by doing unsafe engines without any precautions. You are free to experiment on low pop servers like the Action server, given that no one else is about. You are also able to work on engines and experiment on your local computer. Do not do it any more here. You will be banned from engineering if you do this and delam the engine. Enough is enough.

I think I speak for many players when I say this. Nobody is saying don't experiment. What we're saying is that don't take stupid risks when the consequences go beyond yourself.
Key points:

  • Don't experiment.

Date: 31/05/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
Also, the situation with engineering is getting out of hand. Take safety precautions if you're going engineer and are trying to experiment. If we notice that the SM engine is delamming whenever you're working on it, expect punitive actions if you're not learning from your mistakes, because we may suspect malintent. I'm going to start issuing warnings to problem engineer players doing weird-ass setups and not taking proper precautions. It's selfish to be this reckless and ruining not only rounds for people but their night of free time. Make loops that other engineers can fix. It's like coding. It's fine to experiment, but at least make it so that other engineers can pick up where you left off.

Gateway loot

Date: 18/06/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
Gateways are like mining, people. You can't use the OP loot you get from mining on the station, especially for PvP purposes (Obviously not all mining loot is precluded, just the OP ones meant for PvE), even if we did significantly clamp down on the overpowered gear in gateways. People, who bring back loot from the Gateways, or use equipment meant strictly for gateways FOR PVP will be bapped. You can, however, use them against player-controlled simple mobs or PvE enemies just like mining gear.
Key points:

  • Don't use gateway loot against other (non-consenting) players.

Gateway Adventures

Date: 12/06/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
For gateway, you are welcome to join an expedition into the gateway, given that you have permission from your department head. The gateway itself is ID locked to prevent too many folks from joining the gateway and ignoring the needs of the station. It's a matter of getting the extra access on your ID card! P.S. You are obliged to organized expedition with interested players. You are to encourage roleplay among the players who are interested in going into a gateway. While I have not seen any sort of negative, exclusionary behavior, I want to say in a precautionary way to not treat it like Miner 2.0

Antag Negotiation

Date: 24/05/2021
Announcer: Deerb(?)
Heya guys! I just wanted to put out an announcement saying: anyone saying or having the attitude of "we do not negotiate with terrorist" is literally everything we are against, if you see that kind of mindset or people saying that please report them, this also goes for antags who go "I don't negotiate with sec" as it literally blocks out any possible and meaningful RP between both parties

Obviously antags who are permanently mechanical or are already being lethally hunted don't need to negotiate. Just use common sense really.

TLDR: Please do not have a "we do not negotiate with terrorist" mindset and report it if you see it Announcer: Xyelgazel
We're also going to elaborate on our policy on round removal as well, because people seem to think we have a ban on that. However, we don't. So, I'm going to just make a quick elaboration on that.
Key points:

  • Don't be LRP with roleplay antags. I've seen this sentiment expressed before, but the rules are pretty crummily documented so now you can cite this if you're trying to do a fun gimmic.

Salting in deadchat

Date: 29/04/2021
Announcer: Artex

Let me just say this. Dogpilling/personally attacking a person OOC, most often in deadchat after something doesn't go well in IC is the sort of thing that will get you removed from this server without much of a second thought.

Sucks that I have to get on the podium so early that I got back, but a rather important thing that was brought to my attention and that I have to reiterate, because even before I came back I saw it being an issue.

No, 'its just deadchat being salty' isn't an excuse. Being pissed about dying, being pissed about the dumb way of death. No biggie. Sometimes you have to let out some steam. But the moment that steam is directed towards a player, is where it becomes an issue.

This is a game that people come to enjoy, roleplay and yes, even do action in. Some rounds will be more, some rounds less hectic. It's not an excuse, but due to dynamic being tweaked, rounds can feel more chaotic than usual and we're working on it.

I would personally be upset too if there was just consistent action and action and action without any break to be able to enjoy a more calm pure RP friendly time. Maybe even pissed.

But to direct that hate at another player, to the point said player would feel consistently grudged on? It doesn't even take a 'metagrudge' to make it feel like that. A few people with a snarky comment consistently is enough for that.

So let me make it clear. No one gets to shit on another person personally. Throwing shit at their performance, telling them to not play a role anymore because they suck, or if they messed something up to get several people be pissed at them in deadchat. Constructive comments.

At the end of the day, this is a game where we come to either play some funny space game/get lost into some good round of RP to escape the 'joy' of life. The majority of our players are great.

Don't ruin it for other people by attacking them personally.


Key points:

  • Don't salt at players personally.

Public Nudity

Date: 27/04/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel

Apparently, this is something we need to go over, since there is such a dumb divide on the public nudity. It is unfortunate we even have to make a statement and ruling on this. By default, it is an IC issue. There are times, however, it becomes an OOC issue where it is done in LRP fashion or done in bad faith, i.e. pushing your weird kinks into people's faces or using it to be a shitter. It can also become an OOC issue if a security officer handles the situation in bad faith.

First, I will create a common definition for the server. Then, I will briefly go over what is an IC or OOC issue.

Public nudity is when your character has their genitalia exposed in public. You do not need to be fully naked. Furthermore, using gear harnesses does not mean you are exempt, nor is hiding genitalia by using the hide genitals command if there is nothing there to actual hide or cover it. If you have no genitals in the area, it does not count. For instance, you can be shirtless as a male or as a female if you possess no mammaries without it counting as "public nudity". You can be without pants if you have no genitalia in the area. However, keep in mind slits, sheaths, and so forth are considered genitalia. Taurs or nagas do not have to wear pants due to the lack of fitting clothing/sprites, however, they should hide their genitalia via the mechanics command.

Private vs Public
Keep in mind that "public" does not mean every area besides dormitory. As described in the Server Principles, a private place is essentially an area that is not in public use and is very much out of the way, i.e. located in an enclosed room in maintenance, dorm room, shower room, and so forth. People can be freely nude here without circumstances. Some areas can be considered semi-private if people in public spaces do not have visibility into the area but are still able to access it freely and do so frequently. These areas may or may not be allow nudity, depending on the jurisdiction of the person running that particular area. For instance, the barkeeper could close off a section of the bar, but he should gain permission from the head of personnel for creative control over the bar if possible. However, some places do not have regulation like maintenance bar. (Note to Self: I should go over semi-private areas for ERP stuff later). There are semi-public places like the back of the department and break room, but they follow the same rule as semi-private areas and should be considered as such.

In order to avoid being punished OOCly for acting in bad faith, please follow these guidelines. We want to handle what we can ICly. The only time it will be handled OOCly is if people constantly cause drama and trouble through public nudity.

  • When you are asked to be clothed, please comply in good faith. Do not strip naked later and become a problem in public. If they have to arrest you several times for refusal or if you are caught being naked again public, such as 3+ times in a shift, you may be detained indefinitely. We will encourage security officers to report you to staff if you do this shift after shift or if you do this to shit-stir. We have permanently banned someone before for doing this in bad faith in order to have an excuse to vandalize and attack security officers and for doing this round after round, all while refusing to change their ways.
  • Again, if you are asked to put clothes on in public areas, keep them on, unless you've moved to a more private areas. Don't take them off later and make things into an OOC issue. You can, and will, get ahelped for it.
  • Being nude or relatively less clothed in order to be LRP or for the memes is not allowed. Again, you're just being LRP which will net you a quality control ban.
  • If your head or direct supervisor orders you to be more clothed while on-duty and you refuse repeatedly to the point that it becomes problematic, you will be thought to be acting in bad faith, and you will face OOC punishment. For instance, if you are less than prude but not fully naked in semi-public areas, it is not an issue unless you are asked to be decent by your supervisor or head, i.e back of cargo, warehouse, back of your department, break room.
  • You can be naked in private, i.e. non-public areas. Some areas like a public sauna or swimming pool, it may be acceptable to be naked without incident both OOCly and possibly ICly.

Remember: This is a server with ERP. It is not a solely ERP server. Also, some departments and jobs should be clothed more often than the rest of the crew when on-duty. For instance, personal protection equipment is needed for engineers, chemists, virologists, scientists, and etc, not to mention professional concerns as well. This does not apply off-duty.

P.S. Anyhow, I hope the above post explains why we do not like to use the rules to specify ever specific usecase, otherwise it will get incredibly. Even explaining the rule in a general sense like here can be lengthy. This is done because some folks keep trying to find loopholes, and I don't want to deal with that. The fact that this is an issue is silly, and I'm going to put it to rest with this post here.

Key points:

  • Public nudity is when your character has their genitalia exposed in public.
  • If you're a 'taur, keep that thing in it's sheath. buddy.
  • Don't intentionally create work for security by being naked and getting arrested 3 times a shift.

Don't talk overly controversial politics

Date: 20/04/2021
Announcer: Starcell
In light of the events that occurred (and will undoubtedly occur) today surrounding a particular murder trial, I'd like to remind everyone of a few rules. 1.d) Hateful, such as truly racist, sexist, and other prejudiced material, are absolutely prohibited, i.e. memes, pictures, etc. The n-word with the hard 'r' is banned outright. 5) Keep controversial topics and images out of this server. Examples include: politics (in a partisan way), religion, highly sensitive current events. Keep it (blobs hugging emoji), y'all.


Date: 13/03/2021
Announcer: Xyelgazel
As I clarified before, the bare minimum is MRP. Staff is being too nice and accomodating, and some players are taking advantage of this. If it's clear you're doing shit in bad faith below MRP, punitive actions will be taken. You will be given a Do Not Revive/Respawn ban if you suicide on the trams. There will be no warnings on the subject.

We have developed a wide array of bans we can take, and we will use them more aggressively to deal with problem players more decisively. We do not like to permaban, but we will if we see that there are no other options and/or if a person is playing in bad faith. Keep in mind if you were warned for LRPing in bad faith recently, you will not be given another warning and instead, you will be banned in some form.

Announcer: Cobalt
If you run across the tramlines without good reason you will receive a do not revive ban.