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# Remember to use CI, you are in a role that will make use of this far more than most players and has the most related impact.
# Remember to use CI, you are in a role that will make use of this far more than most players and has the most related impact.
# Handle unknowns as if they are unknown, don't rely on metaknowledge to guide your decision making. What would your character think for the first time.
# Handle unknowns as if they are unknown, don't rely on metaknowledge to guide your decision making. What would your character think for the first time.
# Expect to be potentially Round Removed, you are in a position of combat. You have no entitlement to surviving the entire round, the same follows antagonists.

== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==

Версия от 16:10, 2 апреля 2021

Paper.png Notice

This document is in development and may be changed often. Please ensure you check for updates periodically to keep up-to-date.

Basic Guiding Principles

  1. Follow the Action-RP Lawset and escalate appropriately. Roleplay whenever possible. Failure to do so will result in punishment.
  2. As strongly stated in our Guiding Principles, the main goal of this server is to create a fun roleplaying experience, not to win. If you are concerned about how to win instead of the story experience, this is not the server for you.
  3. Whenever you are given the green light to use lethals or "shoot to kill", this is not a license to execute them when they are downed or are surrendering without due cause.
  4. Handle a hostage situation with extreme caution. The preservation of civilians and your comrades should be your #1 priority over arresting someone. Acting as if the hostage does not matter will be punished OOCly for poor roleplay.
  5. Be aware of the meta protection placed around antag items. Non-obvious items are meta-protected where other obvious items like an energy crossbow and grenades are not. Typically, if the item is disguised, you don’t know of it.
  6. Being a bully as a security officer is acceptable. Being corrupt as a security officer is acceptable. However, if it comes to the point that the way you're playing shuts down roleplaying opportunities for others, that means you are doing it wrong. You want to create conflict to generate roleplay, not destroy the possibility of it. Furthermore, as a security officer, you cannot ignore obviously antagonistic behavior that is a threat to the station. If you know someone is not a threat to the station, taking a bribe is acceptable.
  7. Antagonists are an essential part of the game. Unless it is unsafe to do so, players are encouraged to use methods of punishment that do not remove antagonists from the round such as gulag or perma. Calling for the execution of a non-violent and cooperative antag may be marked as failrp. However, this is entirely up to the Captain, acting captain, or HoS, and their ruling (in order of the CoC) is final.
  8. Corporate Regulations is a suggestion, and is never a substitute for thought, intent, and context. Being unnecessarily harsh is generally frowned upon, even if it's in the regulations.
  9. Work with traitors to create a fun and engaging story, don't just shut them down to win.
  10. ERP is allowed as security as long as you are not needed. Red Alert and higher you should end your ERP and return to your job. (With an exception regarding non-con against security staff)
  11. Use the minimum required equipment to handle a situation, you should not be preemptively equipping yourself for threats.
  12. Do not go around screaming out the game mode the second you see something. Keep meta-knowledge in mind (detailed below), and never, EVER go and scream out stuff like “traitor”, “ling/changeling”, “malf”, “revs”, and the like. It’s completely LRP behavior and does nothing but encourage validhunting.
  13. If you are being demoted, role-play out the scenario and realize that it can happen. Do not attempt a one-person coup, doing so will be considered failrp. Do not drop all context of Roleplay and start acting like shit-tide.
  14. The head of your department is the “Head of Security”. If the captain finds this person problematic or demotes them, you are to remember that you work for Nanotrasen, not the Head of Security. Please keep this in mind during Head removals.
  15. Remember to use CI, you are in a role that will make use of this far more than most players and has the most related impact.
  16. Handle unknowns as if they are unknown, don't rely on metaknowledge to guide your decision making. What would your character think for the first time.
  17. Expect to be potentially Round Removed, you are in a position of combat. You have no entitlement to surviving the entire round, the same follows antagonists.


This document should serve to work as a set of guidelines, references, and suggestions on how to handle antagonists and crimes on the station. It will also clarify the roles of all persons involved with security. Both their job requirements and their restrictions. If you find something that appears to go against corporate regulations, you are to make a report of the situation and file it with both the Head of Personal, the Captain, and the Head of Security. If you believe the situation is egregious enough that it warrants direct Central Command Involvement, you may attempt to contact them and let them know directly of the situation.

Who Orders Who

  • Civil Disputes Officer
  • Security Officers, detectives, and Security Medic's all share the same rank.
  • The Sergeant is in charge of all officers active in the field, outside of the armory, they are the first point of contact for security personnel.
  • The Warden is second in command to the HoS commanding all situations involving the armory and brig.
  • The Head of Security is at the top of the security hierarchy. All security members take orders from him, and he takes his orders from the Captain.
  • The Head of Personnel is not part of the security hierarchy and should not heavily involve himself in security affairs. The HoP cannot order security around and cannot enter secure areas such as the Armory without authorization from the HoS.
  • The Blueshield reports directly to the Captain and Command Staff. They may request security support during an incident, but may not make an arrest. Though they are also directly under Central Command and can be called upon by Central to override command staff.

Key Points | What you should know about your job!

Head of Security

  • Determine the correct amount of force for any situation.
  • Organize and maintain peace on the station.
  • Your job isn't to hunt people down unless it's an urgent matter in one of the many places your normal security officers can't get into
  • With the addition of your new ranks, your role is now primarily ensuring the proper management and action of your immediate staff.
  • You are no longer expected to be active in the field.
  • Ensure your officers are responding appropriately.


  • Look after the prisoners, make sure they don't die or get unfair sentences
  • Arm security with weapons in times of war.
  • You are not a Security Officer and do not have to go outside of the brig (and really should not go out of the brig). Stay in the brig.
  • As the Warden, you have authority over the brig and any security officers inside the Brig.
  • If an unauthorized person enters your brig, you may use lethal force.
  • Properly store and maintain all contraband submitted as evidence.
  • Follow Proper Brigging Procedures
  • Punishments should fit the crime. Use your best judgement and try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
  • No prisoner is to be held for longer than ten (10) minutes in Processing if no evidence against them is readily available. Should the ten (10) minutes expire without any evidence of any crimes coming to light or charges filed, the prisoner is to be released regardless of accused crimes.
  • Do NOT fully strip the prisoner unless they have earned a permanent sentence

Security Sergeant

  • Field support officer, primary job is to organize and direct officers during security situations.
  • Direct security staff across the station to respond to events accordingly.
  • Help provide field information to the HoS as needed.
  • Train and ensure quality in security personnel.


  • You are not Security. You are an investigator. Your revolver is only for self-defense.
  • The Detective's job is to investigate the remains of any crime, identify the perpetrator, and then ask Security to arrest them for you. That's right, you have limited security access because you're supposed to be an evidence collector and hunter of monsters, not a goddamn beat cop or warden.
  • Assist security with finding the culprit of a crime by using your forensic tools and investigation skills.

Security Officer

  • Likewise, the Heads of Staff have authority over their respective departments. You are expected to assist heads in ejecting unwanted trespassers and demoting unwanted personnel from their departments.
  • The Corporate Regulations is a set of guidelines, meaning you do not have to follow it. You'll be considered a better officer once you understand which crimes cause legit grief (such as sabotaging a workplace) and which don't.
  • Department guards report directly to the Head of Security, but may be dismissed from their post by the department head.
  • You have stun weapons, USE THEM. Don't kill if you're not in serious danger. `
  • Your job is to de-escalate problems until they go away, even if that means violent force you should always at least attempt a peaceful solution.
  • Don't become Shitcurity.