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ПРИЧИНА: Unformatted for Goal. Also this page might be a duplicate of NanoTrasen
ПРИОРИТЕТ: Отсутствует

Corporate Motto

Nanotrasen is a gigantic corporation. Nanotrasen utilizes a ranking system, every worker is their job. The only way to move up in a job is to prove yourself to a ranking officer of your current work station, or just living long enough to replace them. The lucky few move to the almighty Central Command Station which handles higher-level corporate affairs.

Nanotrasen often creates several near self sustainable stations at a time in each sector, each with their own purpose. Three stations are usually placed together in order to get the most out of the area. Usually including a mining station, research station, and a third utility station (prison, Communications, military, supply shipping, or a number of other utilities).


Nanotrasen divides all their facilities up into various stations to keep track of them, and make them easier to replace.

Central Command

Central Command is the big brother of all Nanotrasen stations. Housing much of Nanotrasen's bureaucracy, it gives out objectives, receives research, and redistributes supplies between all other stations within its influence.

If the need should arrive, they may send out emergency shuttles to recover their employees.

Research & Medical Stations

Research is what keeps Nanotrasen a step ahead of all other corporations, with new technological marvels like Blue Space Teleportation, Advanced Medical Machines, Genetic Manipulation, and Cloning! New research is always updated to the Nanotrasen Network each time a scientist reaches a new level of research.

The newest thing Nanotrasen wants to research is "plasma", a dangerous organic toxin that acts in mysterious ways. The few known ways include: Mutation, poison, chemical catalyst, explosive base, radiation converter, and fuel. Advanced plasma research is the reason why many enemy corporations want to steal from, or destroy, the research stations.

Mining Stations

Mining stations are usually part of research stations, and exist solely to export minerals for the Research station to use. Usually miners have to use primitive mining tools, due to a lack of atmosphere, but some research stations have created new tools made for space mining (which no doubt syndicate corporations would wish to steal).

The newest mining stations include a crew quarters, an advanced refinery, and new extra radiation resistant space suits called "Mining RIGs". Many people enjoy being space miners as it is a lot less deadly than mining on larger planet, and being in space is peaceful, so long as you have enough oxygen in your tank. What's the worst that could happen?

Prison Stations

This is where prisoners of Nanotrasen stay, and where security forces are implanted with an anti-brainwashing chip. They contain humane facilities that can never be broken out of, unless by some criminal mastermind. They also include an execution and medical facility.

Factory Stations

This is where many of the hard to produce materials come from! Central command is given the supplies directly on their Storage Station. These stations always have their own Mining station, and usually a security station as well.

Storage Stations

They store many material, tools, and various contraband. Central command stores all factory made items on these stations; Supplies are usually sent to Research Stations, based on a "point allotment" system. It is said syndicate forces may be able to hack computers in order to "fool" them into sending the contraband over.

Communication Stations

Usually operated automatically by a basic program, handles all Nanotrasen communication within a massive area of Nanotrasen space, and blocking "non-company" interests from being directly broadcast into the area. Said to block out any communication directly to Syndicate head quarters, and prevents them from warping in with non-bluespace teleportation to send in death squads directly to Nanotrasen stations (could be propaganda Nanotrasen spouts to keep their clowns from playing with the damn thing and reprogramming it).

Corporate Structure

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Sed pellentesque, turpis quis porttitor molestie, lectus leo congue tortor, nec interdum arcu dui tincidunt sem. Donec gravida commodo ligula, a bibendum sem tincidunt nec. Quisque rutrum in sapien ut luctus. In vel varius sem. Vestibulum fermentum porta metus. Mauris vel metus efficitur, tincidunt mauris id, tincidunt lacus. Aenean at quam congue, facilisis mauris a, dignissim enim. Aenean eget sodales ligula. Proin pharetra varius interdum. In nec lacus est. Vivamus semper arcu id ipsum semper condimentum. Vestibulum interdum laoreet purus, at vestibulum erat tincidunt sit amet. Sed facilisis, ante in vehicula faucibus, justo nisi convallis enim, eu cursus metus purus maximus quam. Ut in lectus iaculis, tristique eros non, porta magna.

Board Members



  • Human Resources
  • Accounting
  • Legal

Station Management

  • Security
  • Research and Development
  • Engineering
  • Supply

Specialized Divisions

  • Asset Management
  • Paranormal

Response Teams

  • Asset Management Squad
  • Nanotrasen Trauma Team
  • Emergency Response Team
Space Area
The Final Frontier.
Obvious exits Space Station 13, Abandoned Satellite, Derelict, Mining Station
Purpose A cold, horrible place full of vacuum and a few locations floating around
Access level
Noteworthy contents Vacuum, dark matter
Clearance Anyone
Other Notes