Политика безопасности

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Эта политика должна служить в качестве набора руководящих принципов, ссылок и предложений о том, как справляться с обычными ситуациями на станции, с которыми вы столкнетесь в качестве службы безопасности, а также об ожиданиях и ограничениях каждой роли службы безопасности: Миротворца(Peacekeeper) .

К лучшему или к худшему, эта политика изменит ожидания как в игре, так и в общем OOC опыте службы безопасности; большинство изменений здесь внесены для того, чтобы позволить службе безопасности выбирать, когда и где вмешиваться в IC-согласованной манере, не будучи низведенной до уровня реальной полиции.

Что за Миротворец?

Проще говоря, служба безопасности долго являлась хоть и не называла себя “Миротворцами”: их основной целью было улаживание большинства менее серьезных преступлений между людьми в конфликте, нежели жесткое силовое регулирование. Мы хотим сказать, что служба безопасности должна быть более сфокусированной на поддержании “мира”, чем жестким следователем корпоративных законов ради вынесения приговора сроком в пять минут за кражу обычной ручки.

Что это означает на практике?

Если говорить прямо, это означает, что от них больше не будут ожидать или требовать, чтобы каждая ситуация заканчивалась бригом или штрафом; в отношении преступлений 2хх и ниже служба безопасности должна:

  1. Не преследовать их без прямой жалобы от заинтересованной стороны
  2. Сначала попытаться выработать "альтернативные наказания" (по просьбе пострадавшей стороны.)

Служба безопасности может вмешиваться в преступления 2xx и выше с целью их пресечения, если они были замечены, но затем должна добиваться предъявления обвинений, прежде чем приступать к вынесению приговора. Преступления 4-5хх и выше требуют, чтобы охрана реагировала на них, если они известны. В остальном, службе безопасности предоставляется свобода действий: она может посчитать что-то настолько малозначимым для себя, что предпочтут не вмешиваться; или даже позволить экипажу "разрешить спор внутри команды".

Разрешение конфликтов

Что такое разрешение конфликтов? Как офицеру, вам разрешено разумно использовать свое мнение для выбора наилучшего решения проблемы. Несмотря на наказание в бриге, у вас также есть возможность работать со сторонами, связанными с инцидентом, чтобы найти лучший вариант примирение в произошедшей ситуации.. Если кто-то вломился на кухню, вы можете договориться с шеф-поваром, чтобы нарушитель заплатил поварам за продукты; в другом случае, если кто-то сломал автолат Карго, вы можете просто проследить, чтобы человек починил его по просьбе отдела Карго. Для менее тяжких преступлений, в идеале, решение должно быть таким, которое удовлетворяет пострадавшую сторону и решает проблему, лежащую в причине поведения: эти альтернативные наказания (АП) очень часто не являются бессмысленным пребыванием в бриге или платой в бессмысленные карманы службы безопасности.

(если только они не заплатят вам достаточно, чтобы вы смотрели в другую сторону. намек, намек, подмигивание, подмигивание).

Руководящие принципы безопасности - OOC

  1. Не забывайте использовать индикатор боя, часто называемый КИ. В качестве службы безопасности вы будете участвовать в механике чаще, чем среднестатистический член экипажа, поэтому твердое понимание того, когда использовать КИ, просто необходимо! Ошибки случаются, но постоянное неиспользование КИ может привести и приведет к наказанию.
  2. Вы должны следовать корпоративным регуляциям, когда это возможно, хотя их можно обойти, если другой игрок готов подыграть вам, используйте это как инструмент для создания RP, а не его игнорирования. Для радикальных действий, которые Корпоративные регуляции не предписывают, таких как жесткие пытки (в настоящее время жесткие пытки представляют собой такие действия, как интенсивное физическое насилие (например: чрезмерное ломание конечностей), использование наркотиков и т.п.), вам необходимо получить согласие другого игрока OOC.
  3. Антагонисты являются неотъемлемой частью раунда, они - главные проводники этого поезда, главная движущая сила раунда, поэтому работайте вместе с ними, чтобы создать интересную историю. Не концентрируйтесь на их поимке только ради "победы" и старайтесь избегать длительных сроков заключения для антагонистов, склонных к сотрудничеству и/или не использующих насилие
  4. Помните о мета-защите, наложенной на предметы антага. Говоря в целом, если это неочевидный или замаскированный предмет, вы не можете его опознать. Для примера: Вы можете легко опознать арбалет, но вы не можете опознать хамелеон вещи пока не увидите, как используется их смена облика.
  5. Глава вашего департамента это “Глава Службы Безопасности”. Если капитан считает этого человека проблематичным или увольняет его, то помните, что вы работаете на Nanotrasen, а не на ГСБ(HoS). Не забывайте об этом в случае увольнения главы.
  6. Если вас понижают в должности, разыграйте сценарий и поймите, что это может произойти. Не пытайтесь совершить переворот в одиночку, если вы хотите оспорить его, сделайте это через RP. Предъявите свои аргументы адвокату, ГП(HoP) или даже капитану, не делайте своей целью драку и нападение на ГП(HoP)  или капитана за то, что они понизили вас в должности.
  7. Жизнь экипажа ценна, и вы должны предпринимать действия, которые подвергнут экипаж наименьшей опасности при устранении угроз.То, что вам дали зеленый свет на летальную силу, не дает вам разрешения казнить кого-то на месте. Бой заканчивается, когда они входят в крит, и вы должны сделать все возможное, чтобы они не умерли во время транспортировки.
  8. Вы можете играть в роли коррумпированного члена службы безопасности, вы можете играть в роли задиры, но делайте это с целью создать интересный конфликт для всех участников, а не прекращать ролевую игру или создавать токсичную среду. Вы не должны игнорировать антагонистическое поведение, представляющее угрозу для станции. Взять взятку у того, кто украл медицинские инструменты или устроил кулачную драку, вполне нормально, но при крупных преступлениях и выше вы должны избегать взяток или освобождения от наказания.
  9. Вы не должны заранее охранять предметы / принимать меры предосторожности, которые делаются только ради предотвращения антагонистических действий. Это включает в себя такие вещи, как : Охрана снаряжения службы безопасности на контрольно-пропускных пунктах на старте. Охрана предметов повышенного риска(High risks)  без всяких причин (если только это не ваше рабочее оборудование). Охрана таких объектов, как платы ИИ и т.п.
  10. Преступления, в которых замешан персонал отдела, должны быть сначала доведены до соответствующего руководителя, чтобы договориться о лучшем исходе как для службы безопасности (или "станции"), так и для данного отдела, надеюсь, с минимальным вмешательством службы безопасности. (если только подозреваемое преступление не 3xx или выше, в этом случае рассматривайте его как "тяжкое преступление").


Расследование - Полу-IC

Прибыв на место происшествия, первое, что должен сделать любой офицер, это оценить ситуацию, получить представление о том, что произошло на самом деле, помимо первоначального сообщения, и собрать воедино историю, чтобы понять, каким должен быть ваш следующий шаг.

  • Опросите, допросите или иным образом расспросите свидетелей о событиях, выясните, какие действия пересекаются в разных историях, а также убедитесь, что вещественные доказательства (повреждения подозреваемых, предметы на месте происшествия) соответствуют истории, не бойтесь вызывать их, а еще лучше пригласите детектива, чтобы "прояснить историю".
  • После того как у вас будет представление о том, как развивались события, определите наилучший курс действий, чтобы минимизировать конфликт и вернуть все в рабочее состояние, будь то принуждение подозреваемых к возмещению ущерба, применение "дисциплинарных мер", отправка одного из них в бриг или иное решение ситуации тактичным и решительным способом.
  • В зависимости от степени тяжести ситуация может быть решена на месте или же их могут доставить в бриг для допроса или оформления (помните о десятиминутном лимите времени для любого вовлеченного лица, если у вас нет обвинения).
  • Судите о преступлении, о котором идет речь:
    • Для преступлений 1xx убедитесь, что у вас есть заявитель, желающий выдвинуть обвинение, и выясните его желаемый способ решения; свяжитесь с руководителем соответствующего отдела (или адвокатом/ГП(HoP) /корпоративным представителем, если они "гражданские"), прежде чем приступать к исправлению ситуации.
    • Для преступлений 2xx или более высокой степени тяжести, вы можете вмешаться, чтобы остановить незавершенное преступление без заявителя. Чтобы вынести приговор максимальной тяжести за преступления 2xx, вы должны найти кого-нибудь для предъявления обвинения (при условии, что сама служба безопасности или ее члены не являются пострадавшей стороной;) вы должны сообщить об этом соответствующему начальнику отдела (или адвокату/ГП(HoP) /Представителю НТ для "гражданских") как можно скорее после стабилизации ситуации. Преступления 3хх и выше не требуют предъявления обвинений.
    • Для 4xx и выше ("тяжкие преступления") любая такая ситуация должна быть встречена задержанием всех вовлеченных и перемещением в бриг(а также обращением к соответствующему начальнику (начальникам) и адвокату, если таковой имеется, или ГП(HoP) /Представителю НТ/Капитану, если такового нет). Если вам известно о ситуации, в которой происходит или было совершено одно из этих преступлений, вы обязаны действовать.

Аресты - Полу-IC

Аресты часто происходят либо на месте, когда кто-то замечен в совершении преступления или поступило сообщение, и офицер своевременно отреагировал, либо когда охрана собрала достаточно доказательств преступления, чтобы установить статус ареста. Хотя в первом случае не требуется, чтобы человек был арестован, процедура в основном та же:

  • Расскажите о совершенных ими преступлениях и объясните им, почему они арестованы.
  • В зависимости от степени тяжести, с ним могут либо разобраться на месте, либо доставить в бриг для допроса или оформления.
  • Если они являются сотрудниками отдела, особенно если они находятся в пределах своего отдела, свяжитесь с соответствующим начальником, прежде чем предпринимать какие-либо шаги; по возможности, попросите начальника службы безопасности сделать этот контакт, чтобы избежать конфликта в отделе в более широком масштабе.

Если в какой-то момент они показали, что готовы к бегству или переходу к механике, когда их окликнули офицеры, вы можете пропустить эти шаги и сразу приступить к их аресту; однако, руководствуйтесь здравым смыслом, поскольку иногда лучше на мгновение спустить кого-то с веревки, чем заставить весь инженерный отдел восстать против вас, преследуя ради погони.

Brig Procedures - OOC

The suspect is to be brought to the brig cuffed, if needed, and in a stable condition, make sure that they are not bleeding out while you drag them! Notify either the Head of Security or the Warden depending on availability and place them into a holding cell where you will check their personal belongings, go over their crimes, add them to their record if needed and either release them or process them. You may keep them without charging them for up to 10 minutes, time which must be subtracted from their sentence, in order to go over their belongings for contraband, try to get a brief interrogation or clear charges up with the other security members, but if you fail to charge them within those 10 minutes you must release them. If you are planning on a longer interrogation, you must do so while their timer is running and you can not keep them longer than their sentence unless you have clear OOC consent that they want to continue the long RP scene.

If the crimes total to more than 10 minutes, they are to be sent into gen-pop, if it’s less than 10 minutes they are to be placed into an available (front)cell and their personal belongings in its respective locker, non-violent prisoners are to be uncuffed.

  •  Remember, all items that can not be classified as contraband or evidence are to be returned to the person upon release.

All prisoners and detainees are entitled to the communication devices they have on arrest pending a search to confirm that they are not evidence or accessories to the crimes they have committed.

NOTE: While the Warden is the main person in charge of the brig and the prisoners that does not mean that they are the only person who process arrested individuals, make sure to help them out if tasks are piling up on them.

Prison Procedures - OOC

In the case of a sentence that is longer than 10 minutes a prisoner will be processed for GENPOP, our system of managing long term sentences by using permabrig and timed lockers. The steps for processing a prisoner into prison, either for a long sentence or a permanent one are:

  • Escorting the prisoner to the prison lockers and removing from them all items. Contraband and evidence will go to their respective lockers, personal items to the personal locker of the prisoner, with the exception of items of significant religious or personal importance.  Do not remove their clothes unless they are a martial artist and it is not safe to leave them uncuffed. Return any communications devices to which they have not lost access after a search for contraband or material evidence; if they have illicit headset access, remove the illegal keys and return those to which they still have a right.
  • Use the locker interface to be given a prison ID card and jumpsuit for the prisoner. Enter their name, crime(s) and duration.
  • Allow them to change either in a changing room or a cell room, put their clothes in their prisoner locker.
  • Upon release make sure that their items are returned to them.

If you are handling a violent martial artist and they have assaulted security staff during their incarceration you may ask the Head of Security or Captain for permission to pacify them via surgery. Remember simply having martial arts knowledge is not a crime nor is it punishable via pacification, assaulting people and using it as a tool to break out is.

Note 1: Sometimes due to PRs or map resets the timed prisoner lockers are not available so it is recommended to either set a cell timer up to remind you of the sentence or keep track of time through something like an alarm on your phone, you can just do it by clock but it's likely you'll forget if things become hectic.     

Executions - OOC

Before an execution can be carried out it must be approved by the Captain and Head of Security. If both undeniable evidence and proper authorisation is acquired, security may opt in to execute the person via lethal injection, electric chair or firing squad in the execution room. With the exception of terminating Unknown Biological Entities (ex: changelings), outside of extraordinary circumstances when it is not possible to do so, all executions are to be done through the above mentioned methods otherwise the ones who authorized and carried out the execution will face IC consequences or, in very extreme cases OOC consequences as well. For more details, consult Corporate Regulations.

Note: Declaring someone as Do Not Revive is considered posthumous authorisation of an execution and requires the same authorisation as an execution.

Hostage Situations - Semi-IC

When dealing with a situation that involves hostages you are expected to first and foremost value the life of the crew, do not endanger the hostages just for the sake of catching a valid. Unless proven to be unable to do so, always assume that the hostage taker is able to and will follow up on their threats to kill or maim the hostages so approach with caution, engage with their demands, see what’s reasonable and can be arranged and try to work with them. If it’s not certain that there will be no crew casualties it’s advised that you negotiate until a dead end is met.

Implant Searches - OOC

Security may find itself in situations where they suspect a captured agent of using implants, which may require an implant search, which can be done in either the brig infirmary or the medbay and either by a security medic or normal one depending on availability and risk of escape. Currently, security has metaknowledge on the following implant types:

  • Deadman switches, such as micro and macro bomb implants
  • Micro EMP devices
  • Micro Stealth Devices
  • Micro cuff busting devices

Note: You should only assume that an implant is at play when no other logical explanation can be given, such as someone stripped of gear releasing EMPs, someone threatening to explode with no visible detonator or explosive, etc… You should not do implant searches just because you know they exist.

Riot Control - Semi-IC

For an event to be considered a riot, 3 or more individuals must be disturbing the peace through violence, disorder or terror to the public. Riots may happen for many reasons, ranging from crew being unhappy with their conditions or leadership, an on station movement turning radical or even just a prisoner uprising.

Once a riot situation has been reported, it is strongly advised that security regroups in the brig to ascertain the situation, determine the needed gear and form pairs. The Warden or Head of Security will be the one who decides how much gear is needed, though generally in cases of crowd control riot armour, tear gas, shields, non lethal long guns and flashbangs are often deployed, with a very strong recommendation against using lethal weapons.

After the gear has been given out and the course of action decided, personnel are expected to head out in groups or pairs to avoid situations of being swarmed. Your goals should always be to break apart those crowds and non lethally detain individuals whenever possible so that the numbers may be thinned out slowly. Remember, if you feel like you risk being overwhelmed it is better to retreat and regroup than risk it!

When the crowds have been dispersed and the instigators detained, it is expected to return riot equipment to the armory and move towards operating as usual, though it is still advised to be cautious as further incidents may happen.

Labour camp - OOC

The Labour Camp, sometimes referred to as Gulag, is an alternative punishment method that may allow for detainees to be released earlier through work. For a prisoner to be eligible for the labor camp they must be:

  • Willing, a prisoner has to either agree to the request or ask for labor camp
  • Exception: Crewmates that have been detained and charged 2 times or more or non-crew individuals do not have to consent to being sent to the labor camp, they can be forced into labor if the other 2 conditions are met.
  • Physically fit, a prisoner that is blind, paraplegic, too injured or suffers from any disability that would make mining too dangerous or hard can not be made to do labor. Consult either a brig medic or a normal one if uncertain.
  • Injected with a tracking implant or supervised by a member of security.

Once those 3 conditions are met, the one sentencing them must convert their time into points via the labor camp console at a conversion rate of 1 minute for 100 points, with a minimum of 5 minutes. Prisoners are to be sent down to the camp via the provided teleporter next to the console.

With prisoners in the labor camp, security is expected to monitor their well being and make sure that they are not in too much risk while mining and medical help is given as needed.

Use of Force - OOC

As a member of security you have access to strong non-lethal gear for taking down foes and troublemakers alike, but there are times when using them would simply be ineffective and you have to resort to lethals. Remember, permission to use lethals is not permission to field execute and you should try your best to stabilize the foe after they enter critical condition.

      The situations when lethal force is allowed can be:

  • Code amber or above: Security may use lethals in situations that warrant a code amber or higher, which include but are not limited to: mutinies, hostile boarding parties, unknown biological entities. Note: The code does not have to mechanically be raised to amber alert or higher as the chain of command may be too damaged or otherwise occupied to do so.
  • Non-Lethal Weapons are ineffective: Hostile that can not be non-lethally detained such as hulks, mechs or people who are constantly using drugs or other tools for immunity to stamina damage or knockdown may be engaged with lethal weapons but remember, once incapacitated they are to be cuffed and stabilised, not field executed.
  • Armed and dangerous: If a suspect is in possession of weapons, lethal or non-lethal, and there is reasonable suspicion to believe that they will be used against security, or crew, lethal force is permitted.
  • Severe Personal Risk: There are situations when approaching a hostile for non-lethal takedowns would be too dangerous for officers meaning that ranged lethal force is the only option. Some of those situations may be: people in hostile environments (ex: space, an ongoing fire), people infected with deadly disease, people confirmed to be in possession of explosives or similar instruments. Evaluate the risk based on the situation at hand and remember, if you are in doubt it’s better to be less severe than needed than more.
  • Multiple Hostiles: It can be extremely difficult to detain multiple hostiles. As a last resort if you are being mobbed you may deploy your gear in a harmful manner to thin the crowd. Generally it is better to retreat and regroup than stand your ground.

        Remember, these are all guidelines and not a substitute for context and decision making, you may find yourself in situations that are not listed here but require lethal force or the opposite, use your best judgment; consider the following table as a reasonable progression for addressing most situations where you seek to stop somebody, compel them, or defend yourself.


Security Roles and Expectations - Semi-IC

Before we go into the roles themselves we should first mention the security hierarchy at large, which is rather simple:

Generic hos.png Head of Security

  • Determine the correct amount of force needed for situations.
  • Inform the Captain and Command of current security issues so that the station may raise or lower to the appropriate level.
  • Keep in contact and with an open line of communication with other heads of staff, specifically, with regards to any developing situations in regards to their departments.
  • Watch over the members of your department and make sure that Corporate Regulations are being followed and that your department does not step out of line.
  • Be on stand-by for if you’re needed as a negotiator(between departments) for developed situations, and remember; first-and-foremost, returning ‘peace’ is the priority above all-else, after all, brigging a doctor over punching an assistant isn’t worth causing a department to refuse service to yours.

Generic warden.png Warden

  • Protect the brig and armory from intruders.
  • Make sure that brigging procedure is being followed.
  • Make sure that wanted people have charges set to them, double-check any timing modifications to sentences..
  • Organize and manage the free orders from your cargo console so that security is adequately stocked.
  • Ensure that officers have sufficient and appropriate gear for the task at hand.
  • Store and maintain all contraband that is brought in.
  • Make sure that released detainees are given their items back and that evidence that is no longer needed is returned to the owners or disposed of.
  • Keep an eye on the prisoners.
  • You may carry a Long Gun/Primary weapon only while inside the brig regardless of alert level, you are still encouraged to use non-lethal tools.

Generic security.png Peacekeeper

  • Keep the peace under the guidance of the HoS, use Corporate Regulations to resolve peace-disrupting behavior when brought to you or severe enough to warrant it.
  • Patrol the station to make sure that the crew is not at risk.
  • Handle cases as you are instructed to by your superiors.
  • Detain criminals, collect fines, and administer ‘corrective behavior.’
  • De-escalate situations to the best of your ability
  • Maintain the safety, comfort, and elsewise, productivity of departments to the best of your abilities.

Generic detective.png Detective

  • Regardless of what alternative title you choose to use you are still a member of security and subordinate to the Head of Security
  • Lead investigations of crime scenes and suspects
  • Interrogate witnesses and suspects
  • Provide officers with relevant information on cases
  • Submit and sort evidence

Important: As a detective you will always have authority over an officer when it comes to how a crime scene or interrogation should be handled, and officers should always defer to you for information first. Outside of information gathering you still do not have any authority over officers when it comes to dispatching and giving them orders and you still do not handle arrests personally outside of cases of low man power or high alert.

Generic Security medic.png Security Medic

  • You are an officer, with a medkit; that’s about where your knowledge ends, no surgeries, no advanced treatments, you have a medkit, and a desire to scream “MEDICS HERE” when dragging people out of gunfights.

Generic Corrections officer.png Corrections Officer

  • Keep the prisoners in line, make sure they are not being a harm to others or themselves.
  • Fulfill reasonable requests or exchanges the prisoners may have for items, but remember that you are not under any obligation to accept them.
  • Report any incidents, destruction, and intrusions within perma to the Warden or HoS.
  • Aid new criminals in acclimation to perma, process current prisoners for parole if requested and approved.

Being a Corrections Officer isn't a license to start beating prisoners and make their life hell or an obligation to act as the prison butler. Remember, even though you are a member of security you are not an officer so unless you are in extraordinary circumstances, such as low security numbers or all hands on deck situations, you do not handle arrests and you should only be leaving the brig with approval from the Warden.

Security Adjacent Jobs

Some jobs will find themselves interacting with security so they will be covered here as “security adjacent jobs”, the main focus being on how they interact with the department. Remember, the listed roles here are placed in their own separate category and outside of the security hierarchy because they are not members of security, regardless of their access to the brig or security comms.

Generic Blueshield.png Blueshield

Important: This section only covers the Blueshield in relation to security, for a complete blueshield policy consult with Command Policy

The Blueshield is a prestigious role, one that is held with high regard. They are personally trained agents of central command, but what they are not, is part of security. Although they bear a mindshield, have brig access, gear and sec communications, they are in no way part of the station’s security team. They should not act as though they are part of security, nor should security act as though the Blueshield is an asset for security to use. Their one and only goal is to keep the station’s most valuable assets safe.

Your interactions as sec will be limited with the Blueshield, but from time to time you may run into them for a few specific scenarios. When a Blueshield happens to detain an individual who has threatened their charge, they will more than likely hand off the arrest into sec hands. Their job isn’t to process criminals, only to make sure criminals stay away from command. In addition, they will become involved in any issues that involve a member of command staff, be it for an arrest, or in recovery of a downed or killed command member.

Departmental guards.gif Departmental Guards

Departmental Guards are a relatively new addition to each department that act as an independent guard from security, with the main goal of keeping their assigned area and it’s employees safe. They are not members of security and they do not answer to the Head of Security, they are subordinate to the department and its head.

As mentioned above, they answer directly to the head of their respective department, taking orders from and deferring to their judgment when appropriate. That said, it is important to remember that you are hired by Nanotrasen and loyal to them and the department, not the individual in charge, so you are not expected to follow unlawful orders or protect them from lawful demotions, at the end of the day you are not their minion.

Your duties as a guard are as follows:

  • Remove or detain trespassers and disruptive individuals from the department.
  • Report those mentioned above to security or hand them in if you detained them.
  • Ensure that the members of the department are safe and in good health.
  • Respond to calls from your respective head or department members.
  • Use your limited knowledge to aid the department in case of emergency (you are not there to replace any of them as you lack that level of skill).
  • Act in stead of your department to press charges against people threatening the productivity or safety of said department.

While you may not be a doctor, a scientist, etc… you can still have basic knowledge on how to operate within that department, such as orderlies giving first aid, science guards pushing buttons on the research console, so on and so forth; but keep in mind that your main duty is protecting!

Important Reminders:

  • You are given a baton, cuffs and a holding cell for troublemakers caught within your department, you are not intended to give chase outside of it and as of writing this your special baton is made to optimally function within your assigned department.
  • You are given a gun permit for a good reason, because you are capable, and encouraged to arm yourself; just as the crew and security can, however, you should operate under a concept of concealment, after-all, it’s not a good show for dep-guards to be flexing their rifles on green.

Alert Levels - OOC

Green Alert

All clear - No crimes / Active situations

  • Handguns(pistols, etc) are permitted for officers to carry within their belt; however, rifles, shotguns, or elsewise are not.
  • Security are not to have 'Combat Mutations' (see here), but can request most of the others with permission from a geneticist/RD/Captain. (Mind reading and Transcendent Olfaction should be reserved for detectives as it is most relevant to their job and job identity and to keep a fair playground for stealth crime.)
  • Security may not have 'combat implants' (see here) without direction permission of the RD, and a situation justifying it. (wide-scale riots, changeling on the run, etc)
  • Officers may request MCR-01 rifles to personally modify, though they may not carry them outside the brig.
  • Security may patrol the station.
  • Security must have explicit permission from the relevant head before entering the department for anything relating to their duties, outside of immediate risk-of-life.
  • Crew may freely roam the hallways.
  • You can take breaks at will, though it is advised that you let others know via the radio.
  • Crew may not be searched unless they are caught engaging in crime or there is Probable Cause*.
  • Arrests or corrective actions within departments, or regarding members of a department, for crimes 2xx and below, require first contacting the head of that department or (in the instance a head is unavailable or they lack a department,) contacting a lawyer, the HoP, or Corporate Representative.
  • The Warden may carry a Long Gun/Primary weapon only while inside the brig or prison.

*Evidence, facts and circumstances which would lead a cautious and prudent person to believe a crime has been, is being or is about to be committed.

Blue Alert

Suspicious activity such as break ins or theft that may constitute a 2xx or lower.

  • Long guns/primaries[*] loaded with non-lethal ammunition, and energy guns capable of dual-mode (lethal, non-lethal) firemodes may be deployed.
  • Security may search people with approval from their relevant department head, or elsewise, the Captain.
  • You can take a break or continue it but you are expected to be able to respond if called upon.

* SMART guns, CMGs, shotguns with non-lethal/less than lethal shells, etc…

Amber Alert

Active 3xx crimes, or situations, elsewise: least 1 confirmed active hostile with no recorded bombings, ongoing grand sabotage or at least one confirmed grand theft.

  • Security personnel may be equipped with lethal primaries.
  • Riot or Bulletproof gear may be handed out depending on the threat.
  • Depending on the situation, security may request mechs equipped with non-lethal gear.
  • The HoS or Warden may distribute additional gear as needed.
  • Security is authorized to do random searches and grid searches to places outside of a department, without informing anyone. However, when entering a department, if you are able to do so and are not currently engaged in a chase, please inform the department head of your entry.
  • You are expected to drop all personal activity and return to active duty.

Red Alert

4xx or above crimes have been committed, and the perpetrator is not currently in custody.

  • The armory may be fully opened.
  • All security gear may be deployed.
  • Crew must submit to any search requested by a security member.
  • Security may get combat implants/ mutations for any reason. (They do not need to be removed if the alert lowers again)
  • Security can enter, passthrough, or raid departments without contacting the appropriate head and arrest any crew member deemed a threat to the station.
  • Security may requisition Combat Mechs.
  • Crew are fully-permitted to both arm themselves and defend their departments.
  • You must drop all personal activity to return to active duty.

Delta Alert

The destruction of the station is imminent and the threat must be stopped at all costs.

  • Use of martial law is allowed, crew must follow Command and Security orders at the threat of immediate execution. Insubordination during a Delta Class Emergency should be met swiftly, to prevent further loss of life.

Gamma Alert

May God save the station, for only They alone can.

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