Глава службы безопасности

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Head of Security

Глава: Captain
Сложность: Very hard
Руководства: Guide to security, Guide to Trials, Chain of Command, Corporate Regulations, Head of Staff Equipment, Security items
Доступы: All of security, Head of Security's Office, Maintenance, Medbay, Research Division, Bridge, Engineering, Construction Area, Cargo Office, Mining, Gateway, Personal Lockers, Weapon Permit
Обязанности: Coordinate security personnel, ensure they are not corrupt, make sure every department is protected and defend the station against threats as they come and go.
Минимальные требования: Delegate security personnel to resolve discrepancies, ensure that Corporate Regulations are followed, de-escalate arguments on dispatch, and exhibit leadership by being the face of security.

Должности безопасности

Описание работы

Ваша работа не состоит в том, чтобы выслеживать людей, если это не срочное дело, куда ваши сотрудники не имеют доступа, вы можете просто сидеть в своем офисе и позволять Секурититрону и офицерам делать работу за вас. У вас больше доступа к станции, чем у кого-либо еще из службы безопасности, но меньше, чем у других руководителей. Старайтесь не злоупотреблять этим.

Вы в ответе за следующие должности:

  • Офицер службы безопасности: Это ваши пешки, и ваша работа - контролировать их. Если они некомпетентно распоряжаются ресурсами, накричите на них и заставьте подчиниться. Если они продолжат, скажите им, чтобы они остановились, или понизьте их в должности. Сотрудник службы безопасности, который не выполняет свою работу должным образом, вообще не должен получать эту работу.
  • Смотритель: Это специальный сотрудник службы безопасности, который выполняет функции сторожевого пса в бриге. Убедитесь, что он не устанавливает и /или не поддерживает несправедливые и плохие сроки содержания в бриге, что он не покидает бриг и не будет вас беспокоить. Он также раздает оборудование в чрезвычайных ситуациях и возьмет ответственность на себя, если вы окажетесь недоступны.
  • Медик службы безопасности: Он парамедик и хирург в одном лице. Он латает ваших заключенных, офицеров и вас самих; он допущены к боевым действиям и обладает теми же полномочиями, что и обычный сотрудник службы безопасности, но держите его на привязи; его приоритет - спасать жизни, а не отнимать их.
  • Надзиратель: Тюремные сторожевые псы. Они размещены в офисе внутри тюрьмы, чтобы присматривать за вашими отбросами общества; вам не нужно слишком часто ими командовать. Просто проследи, чтобы они не спускали глаз с оранжевых человечков.
  • Детектив: Работа детектива заключается в расследовании преступлений совместно с экспертом-криминалистом. Они специализируются на допросах подозреваемых и свидетелей и поиске зацепок. Они твердо находятся под вашим командованием, независимо от того, что они могут сказать.
  • Цепочка командования: Если служба безопасности или кто-либо другой будет действовать в соответствии со своими должностными инструкциями, может быть вызвана Цепочка командования. Они проводят свои собственные расследования, чтобы определить, превысил ли кто-то их власть. У вас нет прямой власти над ними


Officers, Roll Out

The first step towards keeping the station safe is to ensure that your own officers aren't a threat. Security enforces the law, but they are not above it - and neither are you. Make sure that all of your personnel are familiar with the regulations regarding Corporate Regulations, and standard Security practices.

Once your force is up to speed on the rules and regulations, send them out on patrol. Pay attention to all the radio channels for any calls for help. If there are any, dispatch some officers to handle it, and make sure that the Detective collects any relevant evidence. Make sure that the Warden keeps the Security records up-to-date, not in the least because Beepsky can help your officers catch criminals who would otherwise evade them.

Police State

Like the Captain, you have a number of people you can delegate to; the Security Sergeant is your field officer, and has equal authority to the warden. You should be using them to coordinate your officers instead of doing everything yourself. Within the brig, your Warden has authority over others; you should be using them to coordinate the handing out of equipment and supervision of the Corrections Officer.You are not an officer; you should not be rushing into every situation. Delegate.

Laying Down the Law

Check to make sure that appropriate times are given out for violations of Corporate Regulations, and that your department only arrest people who have actually committed crimes. Remember, if they're doing something that you don't like but is technically not against the law, you can issue an official injunction - preferably in a official sounding language, written, and stamped with your Head of Security stamp - against it. Expect abuse of this power to be called out, however.

If one of your officers misbehave, yell at them, or in more serious cases, show them the inside of a cell. Keep them busy by sending them on patrols, leads, and follow-ups. An unoccupied officer is often a bad officer.

El Capitan

It is also important that you understand the relationship between Security and the Captain. The Captain's authority on the station is absolute, except where it conflicts with Corporate Regulations; the Captain cannot pardon criminals, cannot get away with committing crimes, and so on. The only time that Corporate Regulations can be overridden is when there is an imminent and overwhelming threat to the station. Other Heads of Staff are required to follow Corporate Regulations as well. However, this does not mean that you are the law. You are still outranked by the Captain. You can only arrest the Captain, or other Heads of Staff, if they've actually committed a crime. Until that time, you have to follow orders just like anyone else.

Finally, always remember to follow standard security procedures!


Your office is in the Brig. It holds various security equipment for use in apprehending and detaining criminals. Your office also has both a security records computer and a security camera potato which you can use to monitor the station from the comfort of your desk chair.


The holding area for prisoners. Only people with access to security can enter. It's still possible for normal crewmembers to view the cells through the windows behind them. As the windows are electrified, though, they're not a valid means of entry unless the person happens to have insulated gloves.

The brig also has blast doors in all of the windows, as well as the halls into the cells. There's a button to drop them in the warden's office and your office.

Prisoners may try to flee, so do something about the doors (portable flasher), or handcuff them to the bed as you investigate their items (make sure to then release from the bed and cuffs if they aren't dangerous). And, SET A TIME TO THE TIMER (the door won't lock unless you do this). Make sure to keep the time to the crime.

In the event that a prisoner has been deemed too dangerous to release, they can be kept in one of the secure holding cells.

Links to Other Departments

As Head of Security, you coordinate your actions with the captain, the other heads of staff, and your officers. You will often work with Medical, when a crime results in injury, when a prisoner is hurt, or when a patient is violent. When a criminal damages station infrastructure, you will work with Engineering to determine what happened and whether it's safe for your officers to investigate. Supply and Research can get you high-powered weapons if you need them. And do try to keep the janitor from thoughtlessly cleaning up the evidence.


Head of Security would theoretically be one of the easiest traitor jobs on station. You are the most heavily armed and armoured person on station, with about as much access as the Head of Personnel, and have the entire security department under your thumb. You are also seen as one of the most trustworthy people on the station. However, don't count on ever becoming a traitor by normal means, as you are Mindshield Implanted. But there can be situational exceptions to this rule, but it's unlikely it'll ever happen.

Even the Head of Security is not above the law and it can be very easy to be ousted as a traitorous element if the antagonist Head of Security isn't treading carefully.

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