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Generic chef.png

Глава: Глава персонала
Сложность: Лёгкая
Руководства: Гайд на еду и напитки
Доступы: Кухня, Морг
Обязанности: Готовить еду, запрягает ботаников, делает мясо из неопределённых существ, найденных в морге.
Минимальные требования: Убедитесь, что на раздаче всегда есть еда. Знайте, голодный экипаж всегда придёт к вам.

Service dept banner.png
Глава отдела:
Глава Персонала
Должности сервиса

Вы - менее алкогольная часть Мальтийского Орла (Бара).

Вы готовите еду, крошите фрукты и овощи, перемалываете тела на мясо, насаживаете обезьян к ксеносов на крюки, нарезая на блюда. Иногда убиваете людей, которые шутят над вами с помощью кухонного ножа.

Кратко о профессии

Как повар, вы должны делать так, что бы экипаж не был голодным. Вы имеете полное право изменять свою меню и кухню так, как вы захотите. У вас должен быть коллега шеф-повар, с которым вы сможете разделить свою работу. Вы делите обеденную зону рядом с баром, по этому скоординируйтесь с Барменом, чтобы не было проблем. Важно также подготовить и раздать ваше меню, чтобы у команды была как реклама, так и представление о тематике, которую вы выбрали для еды в эту смену!

Вы так же должны убедиться что выставили приемлемую цену для каждого блюда из своего меню. Наличными или картой, всегда важно получать доход, чтобы вы могли позволить себе заказы грузов в карго или, если нет ботаники, выращивать свои собственные растения в саду на поверхности!


Вы получаете много всяких штук для кухни, как эти:

  • 2 Meat Spikes. Вы можете использовать их, чтобы получать большее количество мяса из обезьян.
  • Gibber. Вы можете кинуть почти всё в мясорубку (кроме людей, которые ещё живы!) и получить мясо. Имеет значение в основном для больших животных, таких как коровы. Это вообще этично...?
  • Раздатчик, который может выдать подносы, вилки, ложки и прочие инструменты для кухни.
  • 2 микроволновые печи, которые станут основой вашего приготовления пищи.
  • Холодильных для хранения блюд.
  • CondiMaster, который позволяет разделять и разливать вещества по бутылкам.
  • Жалюзи, позволяющие вам уединиться и для других вещей.
  • Блендер, для создания порошков и жидкостей.
  • Диспенсер, который выдаёт некоторые полезные в готовке реагенты, такие как сахар.
  • Если отсутствует ботаник, вы получаете коробку с 8 обычными фруктами или овощами.

Это нож, а это скалка

Нож и скалка на вашем столе незаменимы при приготовлении пищи. Вы можете очень нарезать сыр ножом, нарезать такие продукты как пицца и пирожные, и другие приготовленные блюда (проверьте, что вы можете нарезать с помощью ножа). Некоторые животные могут быть разделаны ножом. Тем временем скалка используется для раскатки определенных ингредиентов, таких как тесто.

Помимо этого, вы можете использовать их как оружие! Кухонный нож, как и ожидается, отличное оружие. Поработайте над своим раздатчиком, и вы сможете получить более опасные для охраны острые ножи!

ChefBox.png Ingredients Boxes

Помимо основных продуктов, которыми изначально укомплектована ваша кухня, вы начинаете со случайно выбранной коробкой с менее распространенными ингредиентами в вашем рюкзаке. В коробке должно быть достаточно ингредиентов, чтобы вы могли начать готовить, прежде чем ваши приятели ботаники игнорируют вас и будут курят траву смогут обеспечить вас постоянным запасом свежих продуктов.

Коробка Содержимое
Фиеста 1 тортилья, 2 кукурузы, 2 соевых боба, 2 перца чили
Италианская 3 помидора, 3 тефтели, 1 бутылка вина
Вегетариансккая 2 морковки, 1 кабачок, 1 картошка, 1 яблоко, 1 кукуруза, 1 помидор
Американская 2 картошки, 2 помидора, 2 кукурузы, 1 тефтеля
Фруктовая 2 яблока, 2 апельсина, 1 лимон, 1 лайм, 1 арбуз
Сладкая 2 вишни, 2 банана, 1 плитка шоколада, 1 кофе боб, 1 яблоко
Изысканная 2 сладких картофеля, 2 синии вишни, 1 плод ванили, 1 кофе боб, 1 ягода
Крупяная 3 стебеля овса, 1 пшено, 1 кофе боб, 1 медовая сота, 1 семя мака
Мясная 1 мясо медведя, 1 паучье мясо, 1 яйцо паука, 1 мясо карпа, 1 мясо ксено, 1 мясо корги, 1 тефтеля
Экзотическая 2 мяса карпа, 2 соевых бова, 2 кабачка, 1 чили перец
Дикая 7 рандомно выбранных (возможны дубликаты): чили, помидор, морковь, картошка, сладкая картошка, яблоко, плитка шоколада, вишня, банан, кабачок, соевые бобы, кукуруза, толстый шлем, личиски

Создание меня

Меню может помочь создать тематеку для вашего ресторана. Когда у вас есть одно, скопируйте и создайте около 40 копий, попросите ассистентов раздать их и разложить на все обеденные столы.

Существует множество способов форматирования вашего меню. Проявите свою креативность! Единственные вещи которые вам нужны - блюда, и цены на них. Всё остальное в ваших руках!

Некоторые примеры представлены ниже.

Форматы меню

Menu 1

Menu 1

[u][large][center]Skyrat Restaurante[/center][/large][/u]

[b]Breakfast Specials[/b] -
[meal] - [credits]

[b]Lunch Specials[/b] -
[meal] - [credits]

[b]Dinner Specials[/b] -
[meal] - [credits]

Menu 2

Menu 2

The Kitchen menu!

Breakfast Specials - 
[meal] - [credits]
Drink Options -

Lunch Specials -
[meal] - [credits]
Drink Options -

Dinner Specials -
[meal] - [credits]
Drink Options -


Главный артикль: Гайд на еду и напитки.

Финансы департамента

Paying For Stuff With Your Own Hard Earned Revenue

Sometimes you need to buy things for your kitchen. Cargo provides many unique items that are not immediately available in the kitchen that can help you make new recipes. You need to use department funds to pay for department purchases - it would be very unfair for you to pay out of pocket for kitchen expenses!

It is also helpful when there is no botanist. There is a garden on the surface level where you can spend money to buy and grow seeds into various produce. Taking money for your starting menu, and using the money to pay for seeds to grow into produce that you then make into food to sell to crew for a profit, is already creating a whole mini-game that you can do even without your botanist ally.

Try to see what other things you can do with your funds! As long as you try to stay in the black...

Cooking and You

Experimenting is unfortunately not rewarded with using the microwave. You'll just end up with a burned mess that is NOT good to eat. If a microwave gets dirty, you'll need to give it a blast of Space Cleaner. If a microwave gets broken, you'll need some either a wrench or a screwdriver to repair it.

The processor and the blender are much more forgiving. The processor will only take things that it recognizes and the blender will blend any food item (granted, you might not get anything interesting out of it).

You can cut various dishes with the knife you have, such as cheese wheels and pizzas.

Fryer off.png Deep Fried Butter

If you enjoy freedom, you can cook things by putting them in the deep fryer. Even objects that aren't normally edible can be fried and then eaten. To use the deep fryer, put something in it, and it will begin soaking in the greasy goodness. The fryer will emit a sound after some time to signify that it's officially fried, but true cooks a little bit longer for that perfect deep fry.

Deep fryers use cooking oil to cook things put into it. It starts with 25 units, and uses 0.05 per tick by default. As food fries, it gains more cooking oil internally, with overfried foods having a massive amount of cooking oil in them. Deep fryers require cooking oil in order to fry food. You can't just use water or any other reagent. However, as long as there's enough cooking oil to fry with, the fried food will transfer any reagents in the fryer to itself, meaning that you can put healthy flavor-enhancers in it to saturate the food you fry in it.

You can find cooking oil yourself inside of a vat in your freezer, which has 1000 units of it by default. Cooking oil itself has a few special properties - hot oil splashed on people will deal a hefty amount of burn damage scaling with temperature (capping at 35 burn per reaction), it makes floors slippery, and it automatically fries foods it comes in contact with!

If you have an aggressive grip on someone you're pulling, you can click on the fryer to dunk their face into the hot oil, dealing huge burn damage and knocking them down. This will use half of the reagents in the fryer, though, so repeated dunkings will use them up very quickly. If you can get your hands on some hotter liquids, then your deep fryer can become hilariously deadly, but remember that it needs cooking oil to actually do the frying part.

Ice Cream Cart.png Screaming for Ice Cream

The ice cream cart makes for an effective way of taking desserts on the go. To use the ice cream vat, simply select a flavor, dispense a waffle cone. and use the empty cone on the cart. Easy peasy!

The ice cream cart comes stocked with vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and blue flavored frozen goodness. However, you can make custom flavors! If you insert a container with a liquid inside, like orange juice or coffee, any custom scoops you serve will be made using said liquid. Containers can be removed from the cart by alt-clicking on it with an empty hand.

If you run out of ice cream or cones, you can make more by clicking on the appropriate buttons inside the cart's interface. These are made using reagents inside the vat, which will need to be replenished after being depleted. Simply insert a container holding ingredients, and click the "refill from beaker" button on the interface to transfer them to the ice cream vat. Take care that you don't add more than you need, as the vat can only hold a limited volume of reagents, and the only way to make space is to purge an entire ingredient type. Waste not, want not!


Your neighbor, hydroponics, is tasked mainly with growing vegetables and fruits for you to use in your dishes. They will dump what they produce into the smart fridge that is located in both of your walls. Be sure to tell them what to grow, as they are currently incapable of reading your mind. A good starting task to tell them is to grow wheat, tomatoes, and potatoes, as these plants are used most in your recipes. After they have those, just request plants as needed. They are also capable of producing milk and meat with biomass, which can become very useful if you do not have a cargo staff to order cattle from.

If you have no gardener, you can access the surface garden.

Ordering chickens for the gardener is a good step to take if you know you'll be needing more eggs than the ones you start with. Feed them with wheat to get them to lay eggs. Unattended eggs may hatch into more chickens. Chickens can also be put into the meat grinder to make chicken meat.


All food contains the universal ingredient called "Nutriment." It's what nourishes you and heals your injuries when you eat. Although food might not heal you as quickly as the doctor can (or from the more exotic dangers of the station), it can often heal for more over time. Blending down a bunch of donuts and burgers into a nice nutriment shake can be just the right pick-me-up after having the shit beat out of you.

Healthy foods also contain "Vitamin" which heals you better and can strengthen your metabolism against viruses and harmful chemicals as well as increase the effect of medicine on you.


All food contains the universal ingredient called "Nutriment." It's what nourishes you and heals your injuries when you eat. Although food might not heal you as quickly as the doctor can, and won't heal the more unusual types of damage, it can often heal for more over time.

You can blend anything that comes from botany, and pretty much all food. Nutriment can be added to your dishes to make them more filling. Some plants contain other liquids that can be used as condiments or as ingredients in food.

CQC manual.png Close-Quarters Cooking

As of an initiative by Nanotrasen, all cooks are implanted with a skillchip teaching them close-quarters combat, or CQC for short. To protect their workplace from certain people who like to hop the tables to mess up your day and, more importantly, your precious cooking. This functions very similar to the CQC martial art that nuclear operatives can buy from their uplink - it shares the move set, as well as its bonuses, and is mechanically identical. However, your CQC only works in the kitchen and cold room. As soon as you step foot outside of this area, your unarmed skills revert to normal.

CQC is pretty damn powerful. You can view the moveset in-game by using the button titled Remember The Basics in your CQC tab. If you need a refresher, you can also find the moveset on the Syndicate Items entry for the CQC manual. Of course, yours only works in the kitchen and coldroom, but the moves are the same.


  • Combining Blood and Cryoxadone will generate meat in the reaction - Chemistry can sometimes be your greatest supplier .
  • Kitchen knives and cleavers can be stored on your Apron, and knives are small enough to fit in your pockets as well.
  • You can color eggs with crayons.
  • You can make colored burgers by adding a crayon of your choice to the ingredients.
  • You can put a tray on your belt. They can carry up to 7 items of tiny or small size, making them more versatile (but bulkier) than toolbelts or fanny packs.
  • You can rename dishes and add unique descriptions by using a pen on a food item. Turn your plain spaghetti into exotic udon with a mere scribble!
  • Try asking science to upgrade your food processor. It can dramatically reduce ingredient consumption for a wide variety of dishes including sausages, spaghetti, meat buns and more!


Traitor Chef is an interesting position. You can take syringes full of nasty chemicals and inject it into food items. If you have a compatriot in Hydroponics, they can grow you some poisonous shrooms which you can then refine with the Blender and ChemMaster. Don't forget your knife and rolling pin, the pin causes partial blindness, and the knife has pretty good damage, which can be useful in a pinch.

Remember, the gibber only accepts humans when emagged, so decide if it's worth the telecrystals.

Профессии на станции Skyrat