Ядерный оперативник

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Generic nukesyndie.png
Ядерный оперативник

Глава: Синдикат
Сложность: Тяжело
Руководства: Этот гайд и Syndicate Items
Доступы: Везде где хочешь, только взорви.
Обязанности: Воруй диск, вставляй диск, взрывай.
Минимальные требования: Отсутствуют

Antag dept banner.png
Глава отдела:
Роли антагонистов

Уважаемые агенты!

Мы рады сообщить вам, что вы были выбраны для выполнения важной миссии. Мы хотим, чтобы вы стали передовой группой Ядерных оперативников.

Ваша задача - уничтожить передовую научно-исследовательскую станцию Нанотразен. Да, вы отправляетесь на Космическую станцию тринадцать, и это очень важно.

Мы верим в вас и знаем, что вы справитесь с этой сложной миссией. Удачи вам!

Syndicate-hardsuit-helmet.png Лучшие из худших

Как Ядерный оперативник, вы являетесь одной из лучших ударных команд Синдиката, вы – элита. Вы – ядерный оперативник, и вы просто непобедимы. Вы – не обычный Предатель, у вас есть доступ к самому лучшему оружию Синдиката, начиная от штурмовых винтовок и химического оружия, до крупнокалиберных снайперских винтовок, гранатометов и лучших имплантов. Вы можете использовать взрывчатку и даже лучших в галактике боевых мехов. И не стоит забывать о самом главном предмете – украденной у Нанотразен Ядерной боеголовке. Все это вам выдано для одной очень простой цели – взорвать космическую станцию тринадцать.

К сожалению, это не будет приключением на 20 минут, туда и обратно. Нанотразен устанавливает во все свои ядерные боеголовки системы, не позволяющие активировать их без ядерного диска. Обычно такие штуки доверяют Captain, самым доверенным лицам Нанотразен, которым доверяют управление станцией. Поэтому вы должны быть готовы к тому, что ждет вас впереди.

Clipboard paper.png Ваши основные цели:

  1. Заполучить всеми правдами и неправдами Ядерный диск (находящийся на станции).NuclearDisk.gif
  2. Используйте диск, чтобы активировать Nuclear Fission Explosive (расположенную на шаттле ядерных оперативников / или станции). Nuke.gif
  3. Сбегите живыми на шаттле ядерных оперативников. Vodka bottle.png

Generic nukesyndie.png Прежде всего, вам надо научиться ползать

Syndicate Infiltrator
Шаттл ядерных оперативников, и база Синдиката.

Прежде чем вы начнете, вам, очевидно, следует подготовиться. Как говорится, "поспешишь - людей насмешишь", поэтому вместо "зерг раша" в центре лучше обсудите план с другими ядерными оперативниками. Хороший план - это уже половина успеха!

Список ваших действий:

  1. Спланируйте атаку (как вы получите ядерный диск, и запустите ядерную боеголовку).
  2. Закупите снаряжение, используя ваши аплинки, вооружите себя до зубов.
  3. Проникните на станцию, используя свой шаттл, либо просто пробейте обшивку станции и ворвитесь на штурмовом поде, либо можете совместить, никто не запрещает..
  4. Стащите (скорее всего с трупа капитана) ядерный диск.
  5. Активируйте ядерную боеголовку, находясь на станции.
  6. Сбегите со станции, и празднуйте победу с оставшимися оперативниками.

Знай свою команду

Все ядерные оперативники имеют Hudsyndicate.png у их головы. Смотрите куда стреляете, особенно если видите Hudsyndicate.png над головой, вы же не хотите случайно подстрелить своего? Все фамилии на время миссии выбирает ваш командир, что также может помочь вам отличать своих от чужих.

Каждый отряд ядерных оперативников имеет своего командира. Они появляются на миссии за стойкой и только они обладают доступом к шаттлу ядерных оперативников. Важно беречь своего командира, какими бы странными ни были его приказы.

Кроме того, их наушник имеет "громкий" режим, и если они его включат, то все фразы командира в защищенном канале Синдиката будут выделены жирным шрифтом. Если вы являетесь командиром и чувствуете ответственность, то можете передать свою карту более опытному товарищу и позволить ему руководить.

Documents.png Планирование атаки

СЛУШАЙТЕ СВОЕГО КОМАНДИРА (только в вон того парня за стойкой есть доступ к вашему шаттлу)! Ваша команда должна обсудить план атаки, но последнее слово все равно должно оставаться за командиром.

Парочка идей для штурма:

  • Старая добрая классика (Стелс нюка из техов): По тихому пролезаете на станцию, предварительно уничтожив ИИ и телекомы станции, чтобы ограничить взаимодействие сотрудников СБ и других отделом. Затем высыпаетесь из ближайших к мостику техов, и со стволами наперевес идете отнимать у капитана его "прелесть" (как правило самый эффективный план атаки).
  • Скрытный стиль (Супер стелс нюка): Очень тихо проникаете на станцию без своих классных алых ригов, надетых на вас, изменяете свои ID карты и стараетесь слиться с окружением, маняврируете от всех сотрудников СБ. Убиваете носителя ядерного диска настолько тихо, что никто даже не заметит (чрезвычайно сложный стиль, требует исключительной координации между оперативниками).
  • Гибридный стиль (Разделенная нюка): Стиль, схожий с классикой, но один, или несколько оперативников действуют в "громкую", а остальные сливаются с окружением, и пытаются тихо утащить диск (частый стиль, если основная штурмовая группа сыграла в ящик).
  • Штурмовой стиль (ВОЙНА!): Ваш командир объявил официальную войну Нанотразен, ваш отлет задерживается минимум на 20 минут, станция знает о вас, и готовит ответ. Все оперативнике получают в разы больше ТК для покупки снаряжения (Сложный стиль, но веселый, как для оперативников, так и для станции).
  • Стиль-ящик (Ящиковая нюка): Замаринуйте всю свою штурмовую группу в шкафу, 1 оперативник все же вынужден будет таскать этот шкаф по станции. Особенно забавно, если вам удастся отправить этот шкаф по почте капитану лично: "Капитан, Синдикат передает вам свой пламенный ПРИВЕТ!" (скорее шуточный стиль, тем не менее вполне исполнимый).
  • Стиль-резня (РЕЗНЯ!): Просто убивайте все живое на станции, опасайтесь ассистентов с тулбоксами, они опаснее любого офицера СБ (Шансы на успех довольно малы, поскольку экипажа на станции все же чуть чуть больше, чем доблестных оперативников).
  • Стиль-космодесант (нюка на штурмовом поде): Используете штурмовой под, чтобы высадиться на станции. Штурмовой под обладает множеством турелей, можете комбинировать с другими стилями. (ШТУРМОВОЙ ПОД НЮКИ В МЕДЕ!)

Это не всеобъемлющий список возможных стилей ядерных оперативников, удивите своего врага!

Gangtool red.png Объявление войны!

Объявление войны - "Cindy Kate has declared her intent to utterly destroy Space Station 13 with a nuclear device, and dares the crew to try and stop them."

Командир ядерных оперативников начинает миссию с предметом, который позволяет объявить войну станции. После активации, вся станция будет уведомлена о надвигающейся опасности, и у вас будет 20 минут на подготовку плана. Кроме того, вам будут предоставлены дополнительные ресурсы в виде около 280 дополнительных ТК, которые будут распределены по команде. Объявление войны не изменит цели или механику штурма, просто даст вам дополнительные ресурсы ценой неожиданности нападения.

Будьте готовы к тому, что все ассистенты на станции будут преследовать вас с гранатами, бомбами, дробовиками и другими инструментами.

Syndicate headset.png Общение

В ваши наушники встроен специальный ключ, дающий доступ к защищенной радиочастоте ядерных оперативников. Это ваш основной способ коммуникации с другими ядерными оперативниками. Обсудите все планы, пароли, коды доступа и прочее до того как начнете атаку, ведь никто не знает, кто может завладеть ключами позднее.

Вы всегда можете согласовать исполнение атак после произнесения кодовой фразы, чтобы было удобнее совершать атаки по заранее согласованным шаблонам.

Кодовые слова полезны в том случае, если у вас нет уверенности, что по радиоканалу вы общаетесь с другим оперативником.

Кроме того, вы можете приобрести Мануал кодспика и общаться исключительно на кодспике, что не даст особо ушлым офицерам и сотрудникам станции подслушивать вас.

Канал синдиката соединен с каналом Синдиката на Лаваленде. Также им могут пользоваться сбойные ИИ, и скрытые агенты синдиката на станции. Вы вправе кооперироваться с ними для достижения своей основной цели.

Syndicate headset.png Закупка снаряжения командой

Оперативники получают дополнительное количество тактических карточек (ТК) в зависимости от количества сотрудников на станции, чтобы сбалансировать повышение сложности, вызванное большим количеством игроков. Каждый оперативник начинает миссию с личным апликом, встроенным в радио, с 25 базовыми ТК. В случае объявления войны оперативникам добавляется большое количество ТК в зависимости от количества игроков на станции. Эти ТК будут равномерно распределены между оперативниками.

Прежде чем начать, остановитесь и подумайте, какое именно снаряжение вам нужно. Какое снаряжение может быть очень опасно для самих оперативников, если попадет в руки врага? А теперь подумайте, что может быть нужно другим.

Проблема карты Агента - ее очень низкий допуск, но ЕМАГ, Энергососалка или украденная карта высокопоставленного сотрудника решают это на раз. У вас нет своего ID или должности на станции, поэтому не беспокойтесь о том, что люди найдут ЕМАГнутые двери. ЕМАГ крайне желателен для каждого в команде.

Комплект хамелеона недоступен для ядерных оперативников, но другие предметы, такие как проектор-хамелеон, имплант невидимости или простая смена одежды, будут работать точно так же. Бомбы великолепны в умелых руках. Энергетические мечи, особенно если вы покупаете двуручные мечи лорда Ситха, идеальны для блокирования вражеского огня, но их можно легко использовать против вас, если ассистент удачно вас обезоружит.

Скорее всего, вы будете получать урон в схватках, и тогда в игру вступают Medigun, аптечки и прочая медицина.

Киборги Синдиката - отличные танки, которые особенно хорошо себя показывают, если у вас есть оперативник со сваркой, готовый отремонтировать их в любой момент, но они подвергаются большой опасности при использовании офицерами СБ ионной винтовки.

Мехи - это разрушительный и чрезвычайно эффективный вариант штурма, который может поглощать тонны урона и наносить не меньше, но они становятся почти бесполезными, когда СБ вспоминает о существовании ионной винтовки в оружейной.

Старайтесь создать сбалансированную команду, чтобы правильно совместить огневую мощь, живучесть, лечение, подвижность и т.д.

Chest rig.png Снаряжение

Шаттл Ядерных оперативников, ваш корабль.
Зеленое: Инструменты
Синее: Взрывчатка (Бомбы синдиката, C-4 и минибомбы Синдиката)
Фиолетовое: Ваши кроваво-красные риги
желтое: Медицинское снаряжение и хирургия
Красное: Ядерная боеголовка. Вам нужно взорвать её. НЕ НА ШАТТЛЕ. На станции.

Вы стартуете в главной диспетчерской базы. В диспетчерской Синдиката вы найдете несколько различных предметов, не имеющих особого значения и ценности. В основном это ваше место встречи, чтобы обсудить план атаки / отпраздновать победу после миссии (ага, надейтесь и молитесь). Единственное, что необходимо знать, - это одна бесплатная Большая красная кнопка, которая взрывает все активные бомбы синдиката одновременно, и, конечно же, Cayenne, ваш милый талисман космического карпа.

Пройдите через дверь на юг, и вы найдете Комнату снаряжения. Здесь есть шкафчики с базовым снаряжением. Возьмите то, что вам нужно в одном из шкафчиков. Подумайте о том, чтобы использовать ионную винтовку против вражеских киборгов или купить ее в YouTool автомате.

Есть пять оружейных шкафов. Каждый из которых содержит:

  • Tactical Turtleneck - Ваши комбинезоны, не имеют датчиков.
  • Black Shoes - Ботинки. Черные. Да. Просто ботинки.
  • Standard Radio Headset - наушник с ключом кодирования Синдиката.
  • Chest Rig - пояс для ношения разной всячины.
  • An Operative Holster - кобура для большого оружия, берется вместо chest rig, может вмещать в себя 2 крупногабаритных оружия, когда вы вооружились слишком хорошо.
  • Pocket Crowbar - (Просто возьмите её на всякий случай, абсолютно жизненно необходима, если ваша команда использует энергососалку - powersink).
  • Night Vision Goggles - ПНВ.
  • 10mm Pistol Magazine - Патроны к пистолеты, много их.

На шаттле ядерных оперативников также есть Хранилище инструментов, содержащее:

  • Night Vision Goggles - ПНВ
  • A Suspicious Looking Toolbox - (Для энергососалки вам нужен будет разводной ключ, ломиков и отверток также много не бывает)
  • 2 Suspicious Beacons - (маячки Бомбы Синдиката, не таскайте их просто так, заранее запланируйте, где будете их устанавливать.)
  • 2 Syndicate Minibombs - Гранаты
  • 5 Bricks of C4 - Для подрыва стен и разных объектов
  • Syndicate medical duffel bag - Содержит хирургические инструменты.
  • Military PDA with detomatix cartridge - Поиздевайтесь над ХоСом, подорвав ему пда, и конечность, также можно поиздеваться над другими важными отделами, типа медиков.
  • Box of tear gas grenades - Не очень полезные штуки, но в хозяйстве все сгодится
  • Box of flashbangs - Когда вы решите записаться в СБ, не особо полезно.
  • 5 Pistol Magazines - Патронов много не бывает.
  • Множество других видов универсальных инструментов, таких как датчики приближения и устройства удаленной сигнализации, когда вам уже явно нечего делать.

Теперь вы должны подготовиться к космическим путешествиям, чтобы вторгнуться на станцию.

  1. Если вы не купили элитный риг / риг с энергощитом, возьмите кроваво-красный риг в хранилище E.V.A. на шаттле.
  2. Возьмите маску синдиката из коробки в рюкзаке и наденьте ее.
  3. Убедитесь, что ваш скафандр находится в режиме выхода в открытый космос, а не в режиме боя. (левая верхняя часть экрана, кнопка переключения режимов, режим ЕВЫ с включенным фонариком, боевой режим - без фонарика).
  4. Возьмите кислородный баллон со стойки и заправьте его кислородом.
  5. Поместите бак в хранилище костюма и активируйте подачу кислорода.
  6. (Опционально) Если вы не хотите использовать встроенный джетпак рига, вы можете использовать ременной джетпак. Его также можно использовать для дыхания.
  7. Выберите маскировку ID карты Агента Синдиката, в случае, если хотите идти тихо.

Как только вы подготовитесь к выходу в космос, загляните на склад и возьмите пару Приборов ночного видения (ПНВ), если вы еще не купили себе термалы, это вдвойне важно, если вы планируете использовать энергососалку (Powersink).

Теперь вы полностью экипированы, проверьте свой рюкзак / пояс и выбросьте то, что вы не будете использовать.

L6machinegun.pngА теперь переходим к пушкам.

Самая важная часть любой операции: правильно подобрать оружие.

Оперативники не будут оперативниками без своего арсенала оружия, инструментов и взрывчатки, что позволяет им легко превосходить СБ станции. Основным оружием ядерных оперативников Синдиката является баллистическое огнестрельное оружие. Лазерные пушки, винтовки и тазеры, обычно используемые СБ станции либо слишком слабы, либо слишком продвинуты, чтобы Синдикат раздавал их разным смертникам. И, замечу, ручной пулемет запросто порвет любую лазерную пушку в равных условиях.

L6machinegun.png Weapons

The most fun part of mission prep: choosing your weapon.

The Operatives are not without their heavy arsenal of weapons, tools and explosives that allows them to best even the station's Security force. The staple of Syndicate operatives is their exclusive use of ballistic weapons. Energy guns, laser rifles, and disablers typically used by station Security are much too advanced for the Syndicate to have on hand. And besides, at the end of the day a big ass LMG with ammo to spare is going to beat one laser gun that has to constantly recharge.

See here for a full list of what you have available to you. Note that some standard traitor items will also be available.

Item Price Description
Makarov Pistol
Free Standard-issue sidearm. 8-round magazine, fires 9mm rounds at 30 brute per shot. This is a mediocre primary weapon to use due to its low ammo count and slow rate of fire but it can be useful in a pinch. Magazines can be found strewn about the base and in the Infiltrator as well, so most times there isn't a need to purchase additional mags unless you want to use the alternative ammo types available. Additional Makarovs can be bought for 7 Telecrystals. Compatible with suppressors. Isn't implant-locked like your other firearms!
Bulldog Shotgun
8 Telecrystals Close combat semi-auto 12 gauge shotgun. 8 shells drum fed, semi-automatic. Five ammo types. Great for close encounters such as combat in maintenance tunnels, but quickly falls short in damage at medium to long range.
Stechkin APS Machine Pistol
10 Telecrystals An ancient Soviet machine pistol refurbished for the modern age. 15-round magazine, fires 9mm rounds at 30 brute per shot. It fires quickly in 3 round bursts, but kicks like a mule and has a degree of bullet spread. Compatible with suppressors.
C-20r Submachine Gun
13 Telecrystals Close Combat SMG. 24-round magazine, fires .45 rounds at 30 brute per shot. A classic weapon popular among nuke ops, comes with 3 round burst for maximum damage. Great versatility. Compatible with suppressors.
M90-gl Carbine
18 Telecrystals This carbine has a three-round burst setting as well as a 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher that can be fired using Rightclick.pngOrdinary right-click. It doesn't matter if Боевой режим Combat 32.pngПо умолчанию включается на клавишу 4 или F. Если режим включён, нажав пустой рукой по персоне, вы ударите Harm 32.png его, или поможете Help 32.png ему, если режим выключен. Не позволяет вам менятся местами или быть подвинутым другим игроком. is on or not. right click. Magazines hold 30 rounds of 5.56mm ammunition that deal 35 damage each, which is more than enough against unarmored targets. Additional 40mm HE Grenades are purchasable at the uplink for 2 TC each.
18 Telecrystals Fully automatic belt-fed Light Machinegun. 50-rounds box magazine, fires 7.12x82mm rounds at 45 brute per shot. Very powerful weapon, capable of critting most targets in just 3 shots. It can be fired fully automatic, which can be used to great effect when providing covering fire for your team. Or just, y'know, shooting into crowds of people. Remember, no Russian. Very unwieldy however, needs both hands free to fire, cannot fit in any storage slot and must be carried at all times.
Sniper Rifle
16 Telecrystals Specialist weapon for the professional, or insane. Long range sniper rifle with a mounted scope. 6-round magazine, default .50 ammo deals 70 damage per bullet that knocks people off their feet on impact, with a chance to dismember targets. Comes with two kinds of alternative ammo for either penetrating through walls and structures or putting targets to sleep. The sniper rifle is a very unwieldy weapon but can be devastating in the hands of a skilled marksman. Compatible with suppressors.
8 Telecrystal The Propelled Munitions Launcher, AKA a god damn RPG. Can hold a single rocket at a time, fires 84mm HE rockets that deal 50 damage on contact with a person, with the resulting explosion causing additional blast damage and potential fire damage. Has a far more expensive 84mm HEDP Rocket as alternative ammo that deals 80 damage on contact, has a stronger explosion, and deals incredible damage to armored targets like mechs or cyborgs (or perhaps the Captain, hehe). While the launcher itself isn't super expensive, the ammo costs add up quickly at 2 Telecrystals for each standard HE rocket and 6 Telecrystals for a single HEDP rockets. Also of note, the PML-9 is unwieldy; both hands need to be free to fire and it can't be stored anywhere except being held.
PP-95 Surplus Submachine Gun
2 Telecrystals. An ancient surplus 9mm submachine gun pattern updated and simplified to lower costs, though perhaps simplified too much. 5-round magazine, fires 9mm rounds at a much lower 10.5 brute per shot in 5 round bursts. Has a horrendous random spread that makes it impossible to accurately aim at anything except what's close in front of the shooter. Questionable usefulness but is extremely cheap, and additional mags are only 1 Telecrystal!

The Syndicate is not without its CQC options. Have a quick look at the most commonly used melee weapons.

Item Price Description
Energy Sword
8 Telecrystals Close combat weapon. 30 brute per hit. Best if used as a sidearm or if you are very robust in melee. Good for conserving ammo for your primary weapon. Can be disabled to fit in pockets or other small spaces.
Double-bladed Energy Sword
16 Telecrystals The double energy sword is an immensely powerful weapon, capable of sending unarmored victims into critical in just 3 hits (and likely stunning them, dismembering, or knocking them unconscious long before that). Wielding it grants you a 50% chance to block melee attacks, and energy projectiles like lasers and disabler shots will deflect off the blade. Like the single-bladed Energy Sword, it must be turned on to be used properly, and can still be stored in your pocket when turned off.
Energy Shield
16 Telecrystals This is a very powerful asset, it will deflect all energy based ranged attacks, laser or stun. This makes it significantly harder for station personnel to attack or subdue you at range as only the armory's riot shotguns (or autorifles if they bought any from cargo) will be effective in bypassing the energy shield. Pair it with an energy sword for a killer combo.
Combat Gloves Plus
5 Telecrystals Extremely similar to the standard issue combat gloves all operatives start with, but unlike the regular ones these come installed with nanotechnology that teach the wearer the martial art of Krav Maga. Gives you activated abilities that turn your next unarmed melee attack into either a suffocating lung punch, a silencing neck chop, or a leg sweep to knock opponents over. Expands your options if you ever find yourself without your ranged weapon, or can assist in making silent takedowns with the neck chop.
CQC manual.png
CQC Manual
13 Telecrystals Reading this single-use book will teach you the basics of CQC - a martial art. You learn devastating combos and when throw is active, have a chance to block and counter attacks. Popular among teams who prefer to infiltrate silently, as CQC allows you to incapacitate opponents silently and non-lethally.

Syndicate Operatives really know how to make a good situation bad, and the quickest way to do that is by blowing everything up. Here's the list of commonly detonated bombs.

Item Price Description
Composition C-4
1 Telecrystal A brick of standard issue C4, useful for breaching walls for an explosive entrance. The Infiltrator comes prestocked with a ton of these. Use it in hand to set the timer, then use it on what you want to attach it to; it takes 3 seconds to set up, and requires you to be un-interrupted. Can be purchased in bulk duffel bags for only 8 Telecrystals.
Syndicate Minibomb.gif
Syndicate Minibomb
6 Telecrystals A standard issue high yield grenade with a 5 second fuse. The Infiltrator comes prestocked with a few of these. Strong enough to blow open a hole to space in the floor, and does extreme damage to anyone caught in the blast. Armored targets may survive, but just barely.
Syndicate Bomb.gif
Syndicate Bomb
11 Telecrystals The largest explosive ordnance available to the Operatives (besides the nuke, of course). Standard issue, the Infiltrator comes prestocked with a few beacons to teleport them in. Set the timer (minimum of 90), wrench it in to secure it, and run away! The blast should obliterate anyone caught in it and cause devastating damage to that part of the station. Incredibly useful for taking out critical station areas such as Telecoms, Medbay, and others. A Big red button.pngSyndicate Detonator can be used to instantly detonate any active Syndicate Bombs instantly, regardless of the countdown; one of these is on a table in the base.
Combat belt.png
Grenadier's Belt
22 Telecrystals A demolitionist's dream. The belt contains a variety of 26 different grenades for you to play with. 10 of those are frag grenades, the rest are a collection of minibombs, incendiaries, EMP grenades, acid grenades, freezing gluon grenades, and more. Comes with a screwdriver and multitool for customization. If you're throwing arm is good and you can cook your grenades right, this single belt can wreck havoc on the crew for an entire operation.

What makes an effective operator is not their weapon of choice, but their tools and gadgets at their disposal. These are the most commonly seen and used, but feel free to experiment with other options.

Item Price Description
Id regular.png
Agent ID Card
Free Standard issue syndicate chameleon ID card given to all operatives. Can be adjusted to disguise as any name/job, but only comes with inherent access to the station's maintenance areas, the base, and the Infiltrator. Using it on other IDs (looted from the crew) allows you to copy up to 5 ID access codes to the agent ID. Useful for steath operations when trying to disguise as station crew. Don't lose this! You'll need it to access the Infiltrator's nuke storage and the pilot's console.
Stimulant medipen.png
5 Telecrystals This stimulant medipen comes loaded with 50u Stimulants, which will heavily increase your run speed, reduce stuns and give a small heal over time. Lasts a long time and is incredibly useful for combating stun weaponry often used by the crew. Many an operative team has failed due to an angry mob armed with stun batons.
Syndicate Medical Supply Kit.png
Combat Medkit
4 Telecrystals Syndicate themed combat medkit, filled with medical supplies for sustaining a team of operators. Contains a combat auto-injector filled with a cocktail of healing chemicals and restorative nanites, a night vision med-HUD scanner for locating injured teammates, a few brute/burn patches and a combat belt defibrillator (which is more useful as a weapon). For standard mission plans, ensure at least on member has one of these to act as the team's medic. You WILL get shot.
Red book.png
Codespeak Manual
3 Telecrystals Syndicate standard guide to Codespeak, a complex "language" that sounds like random names, places, items, and words to anyone who doesn't know Codespeak, while allowing those who know it to understand each other perfectly. If one of your team goes down and a crew member manages to get access to the Syndicate radio channel, they'll be unable to understand a word you and your team is saying. Use it in hand to learn the language. You can use it on others to smack them over the head to teach it to them as well; this works on cyborgs and animals as well.
Universal suppressor.png
Universal Suppressor
3 Telecrystals A universal syndicate small-arms suppressor for maximum espionage. When attached to a gun, no message is given when you fire it, making it possible to gun people down before they realize what's happening. The sound when fired also is different and much quieter, making it much harder for people to hear at a distance. The only trade off is that it makes the weapon longer and can prevent it from being equipped in some storage slots. Can be fitted to weapons such as the Makarov Pistol, C-20r Submachine Gun, or the Sniper Rifle. Remove it by alt-clicking the firearm. Note that some bundles come with this included already.
Chameleon projector.gif
Chameleon Projector
7 Telecrystals A handheld personal holographic projector useful in stealth applications. Using the Chameleon Projector on an item will disguise you as that item. While disguised you move at walk speed and cannot interact with anything you're not already holding. People can walk over you without ruining the disguise. If someone tries to pick you up the disguise fails and you change back to normal. The AI also cannot track you while disguised. The item it defaults to is a cigarette butt. In a pinch can be used to completely vanish from any pursuer that might be after you, or can be used to set up an ambush. Note that after using the projector it makes a slight clicking sound and a small particle effect that lingers for a second. This could give away to your pursuer that you used your projector and are likely to check nearby items.
Cryptographic Sequencer (Emag)
4 Telecrystals While it no longer has it's airlock opening powers, it still can see some utility in hacking station equipment as it can still break/bypass most other kinds of ID locks. Notably, it can be used to override the station's cyborgs, resetting it's laws to be loyal to you as well as unlocking dangerous hacked equipment. See the full list of things you can use the emag on here.
Syndicate doorjack.png
Airlock Authentication Override Card (Doormag)
3 Telecrystals Incredibly popular among all operatives and for good reason. This is a specially made emag designed to exclusively break open airlocks regardless of their ID restrictions. Has 3 separate charges that recharge individually on a 3 minute timer, examining it will display the time remaining for each recharge. Note that using it on airlocks that are physically unable to open (bolts are dropped, welded shut) will simply break the door, keeping it shut for good. Useful for quickly making an entryway into areas your team has yet to steal access for.
Syndicate jaws.png
Syndicate Jaws of Life
4 Telecrystals A set of compact high power jaws for prying open powered airlocks and cutting apart things. Prying open an airlock takes a few seconds to complete uninterrupted and makes a noisy, distinct sound, but can be performed infinitely with no cooldown. The airlocks take only slight damage each time, and will close normally after a while. A great alternative to the doormag that makes up for the downtime a recharging doormag usually has.


The Mechs, the biggest and baddest. The Syndicate gives you an option of not one but TWO different combat mechs. Make sure you can match the price tag however, they're not cheap.

DarkGygax.png Dark Gygax Exosuit

80 Telecrystals. One of the two assault mechs available to the operatives. At a heavy investment this mech provides a very powerful and versatile assault platform to support the assault into the station.

Mounted equipment:

  • FNX-99 "Hades" Carbine firing incendiary rounds which ignite targets.
  • SGL-6 Grenade Launcher which fires flashbang grenades.
  • Personal teleportation device
  • Tesla energy relay
  • Thrusters for space-maneuverability.
    • Leg actuator function, which speeds up the mech, at a high energy draw.
DarkMarauder.png Dark Mauler Exosuit

140 Telecrystals. The single most expensive item available to the Operatives, the Dark Mauler is an unholy terror to behold to even the most elite of Security personnel.

Mounted equipment:

  • Ultra AC2 Machine Gun that fires in bursts.
  • LBX AC 10 "Scattershot" exosuit shotgun.
  • SRM-8 Missile Rack
  • Tesla energy relay
  • Thrusters for space-maneuverability.
  • Smoke grenade dispenser
  • Armor booster module (Ranged weaponry)

Syndicate Cyborgs

Syndicate cyborgs teleporters are purchasable from syndicate operative uplinks for a sum of telecrystals. A random ghost with the operative preference enabled will be chosen to act as a purchased cyborg. (if none is found, you can refund the teleporter by using it on the uplink). Syndicate cyborgs are very useful for going loud, as they cannot be stunned the same as Operatives can and have powerful weaponry and equipment (plus the means to emag other borgs). Syndicate cyborgs can also tell who other operatives are, regardless of their apparel. In addition, they have a hyper-capacity energy cell with a charge of 30000 watts and pre-installed ion thruster modules for easy navigation in space or zero-gravity environments.

Syndicate cyborgs can hear and speak on the normal silicon binary channel. On one hand, this allows them to eavesdrop on the AI; on the other, a syndicate borg speaking on that channel by accident can give away your entire operation, so be careful!

Syndieborg.png Assault

Costs 65 Telecrystals. A lean, mean killing machine with access to an Energy Eword, LMG, Cryptographic Sequencer, and 6-Shot Grenade Launcher.


  • Flash
  • Energy Sword
  • Cyborg LMG that fires 3D-printed flechettes. They are slowly resupplied using the cyborg's internal power source.
  • 6-Shot Grenade Launcher that cannot be reloaded.
  • Cryptographic Sequencer
  • Crowbar
  • Pocket Fire Extinguisher
  • Syndicate Pinpointer

Syndicate Medborg Sprite.png Medical

Costs 35 Telecrystals. Less deadly than the Assault model, but still amazingly useful. Syndicate medical cyborgs make effective combat medics as they cannot be stunned, have access to surgical tools, a combat hypospray, and a Medbeam gun for healing operatives at a distance.


  • Syndicate Hypospray containing Restorative Nanites, Potassium Iodide and Morphine. Can pierce through hardsuits and space suits.
  • Combat Defibrillator, which works through hardsuits and also offensively.
  • Medical Beamgun
  • Health Analyzer
  • Full set of surgical tools, including an Energy Saw, gauze and organ storage bag.
  • Cryptographic Sequencer
  • Flash
  • Crowbar
  • Pocket Fire Extinguisher
  • Syndicate Pinpointer

Syndicate Engie Borg Sprite.png Saboteur

Costs 35 Telecrystals. Good for sabotage, as it can disguise itself as normal engineer cyborgs using an integrated chameleon projector. Saboteur cyborgs also have access to a fake destination tagger, which can be used to travel around the station using the disposals network.


  • Welding Tool
  • Crowbar
  • Wrench
  • Powered Screwdriver
  • Wirecutters
  • Metal Synthesizer
  • Glass Synthesizer
  • Cable Synthesizer
  • Reinforced Glass
  • Rods
  • Floor tiles
  • Robotic RCD (Painted in Syndicate Colors, can dismantle reinforced walls unlike regular RCDs.)
  • Rapid Pipe Dispenser
  • Wire Synthesizer (can be replenished faster by clicking on wire coils with the wire module active.)
  • Fire Extinguisher (must be refilled manually.)
  • Zipties
  • Flash
  • Thermal Vision
  • Fake Destination Tagger
  • Cyborg Chameleon Projector
  • Syndicate Pinpointer

Pinpointer-red.gif Guys? Where are you?

Syndiborgs have a handy little device called the operative pinpointer. This does not point toward the nuclear disk like the nuke op pinpointers did - instead, this points towards the nearest nuclear operative. If a syndiborg is lost or the radio is dead silent, they can use the pinpointer to find their way to an operative. Of course, it does have drawbacks, like not discriminating between a Syndicate corpse and a Syndicate operative, as well as a tendency to stick to the same operative. However, it's very useful for coordinating with your team, and since it has no power draw it should be kept active at all times.

Shuttle 1.gif Actually Getting There

Alright, your team has a plan, you've geared up, and you're ready to get dat fukken disk. The Final Step: Getting to the Station.

You have two options with their ups and downs. Pick and chose from...

The Syndicate Infiltrator

The Syndicate Infiltrator is the standard ship that operatives use to conduct their clandestine operations. It's controlled using the syndicate shuttle terminal in the cockpit, which can be used to travel a point near the station for it to jump. There is an additional console allowing the creation of a custom destination around the station. The Infiltrator itself is outfitted with powerful turrets which fire damaging penetrator rounds at anything that isn't an operative, as well as only one entrance that can be sealed with a blast door to keep those who somehow bypass the turrets from getting in.

When choosing a spot to send the ship, make sure your team is going to remember where it is and that it is mostly out of sight for those in EVA on the outside of the station. Many an operative has gotten lost in deep space because the Infiltrator was put somewhere weird.

The Assault Pod

Grab your team, cram into the pod, select your area and launch. You'll be on station within seconds, obliterating anything unfortunate enough to be caught in the way. The pod is also lined with turrets that fire on anyone not Syndicate, so even if you don't land on them they will likely be caught in a hailstorm of bullets. From there it's a simple matter of assaulting the crew and cornering whatever poor bastard has the disk.

Caveat emptor: The assault pod is a one way trip so make sure you have an exit strategy. When taking the assault pod, always be sure that one operative flies the shuttle close to the station so the assault team have a way out after the disk has been secured.

NuclearDisk.gif Dat Fukken Disk


Alright. You and your team have made their way onto the station. You're most likely huddled up in maintenance, psyching up for the next part: getting the Nuclear Authentication Disk.

You need this disk to activate the nuke, but as it could be guarded by the Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, or the Clown... you best go in without second thoughts or distractions. Even a lure and false positive to get the disk holder to where you want them will be effective.

One method includes blowing up the wall the disk holder has their back to. A block of C4 will knock down any wall and seriously wound whoever's on the other side.

If you're in the bag for a more elaborate ruse, have one of your team members cause a ruckus in a secure area, forcing the disk carrier to flee right into the arms of your waiting team members.

Don't be afraid to think outside the box! This game mode in particular lends itself to unconventional approaches.

If you declared War, be prepared for the possibility that the crew took extra precautions to make sure the disk was annoying as possible to get/find. They could have stashed it in a box inside of a backpack filled with boxes, in a locker filled with backpacks (also filled with boxes), inside a locked/welded/wrapping paper covered locker in a secure room filled with lockers. Or they could have surgically shoved the disk into the chest cavity of the Clown for safe keeping. Who knows! You declared War; expect these things to be a possibility as a result.

Syndicate tablet off.png Finding the Disk

Each operative will start with a syndicate tablet Syndicate tablet off.png in one of their pockets. Grab it, turn it on by using it in your hand and turn on the Fission360 program. You can click "scan" and select the nuke disk. Do so as soon as possible and then put the tablet in your inventory somewhere you can see it. It will have an arrow overlay tracking the disk.

Now, you have your equipment, tools, and toys. But the trouble is just getting started as you strike the heart of the wild.

You are equipped and armed with the best, but what matters is the will to win, and the thirst for blood. Couple that with wisdom, and a large helping of know how, and you have a chance. But what makes the Syndicate agent successful isn't their red suit, or revolver, it is their team.



Getting the disk is just the first half of the battle. Now you have to destroy the station. Haul ass back to the Infiltrator and grab the nuke from the aft storage area. You'll need to put in the disk first to unanchor the bolts keeping the nuke in place. Take the nuke back to the station and find an area to set it up.

Now follow these guidelines in order:

  1. Click it with your open hand.
  2. Place the Nuke Disk into the slot.
  3. Punch in the nuke code, hit enter. You can check the code by going to the IC tab and viewing the notes verb.
  4. Set the time.
  5. Set it to Armed.
  6. (Optional) Disengage the anchor.
  7. (Optional) Have it timing as you run off with the thing (if you die it will still go off).
  8. (Optional) Place the nuke anywhere you want on the station.
  9. (Optional) Anchor it.
  10. Take the Nuke Disk out.
  11. Take the disk with you, or have something to throw off the crew's pin pointer.
  12. Get back to your Infiltrator.

If any other Nuke Agents are alive, give them a moment to get to the Infiltrator. Once you and your buddies are loaded in the Infiltrator, get out of there. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done once you get back; you've earned it.

Clipboard paper.png Mission Debriefing

Congratulations. Your efforts have (hopefully) resulted in the destruction of Space Station 13, a major blow against the Nanotrasen scum. Your contributions towards the Syndicate are appreciated. You will be compensated handsomely of course for your continued cooperation. Your team is now on standby until the next assignment is distributed.

Depending on how well your operation went, there are multiple 'endings' to a Nuclear Operatives round:

  • Syndicate Major Victory: The operatives managed to get the disk and detonate the nuke on-station, and at least one operative made it back to their home base alive. What you should be aiming for!
  • Syndicate Minor Victory: The crew manages to flee on the Escape Shuttle, but the disk is still on the station z-level. The crew may have lived, but the station is yours to blow up off-screen.
  • Crew Major Victory: The crew manages to secure the disk and take it with them on the Escape Shuttle, and/or all operatives have been killed. The mission was a failure, and all that's left to do is for any surviving operatives to go home in shame.
  • Crew Minor Victory: The nuke was set off, but not on the station's z-level. The Syndicates got dat fukken disk, but without the only nuke they brought, they'll have to take it home as a consolation prize.
  • Neutral Ending: The Syndicates manage to nuke the station, but they all die in the process. Technically a win for the Syndicate, but a loss for everybody involved, on both sides.
  • Humiliating Syndicate Defeat: The crew managed to figure out the nuclear code, stole a Syndicate ID card from one of the operatives, hijacked the Syndicate Infiltrator, flew it back to their home base with the disk, and detonated the nuke at the operative's HQ. How did you fuck up this badly, holy shit.

Generic nukesyndie.png Lone Operative

The Syndicate is known for rarely sending lone infiltrator units to stations that have been identified as having "subpar enforcement of standard NT nuclear authentication disk handling procedures". More often than not this ends up being a suicide mission, but occasionally the Syndicate gets lucky and manages to destroy a few stations here and there for the fraction of the assets. Thus, the practice of sending "Lone Operatives" still takes place to this day, instilling fear into Captains with one simple passing thought: "did I secure the disk?"

As the name implies, Lone Operatives consist of a single nuclear operative. They appear extremely rarely on their own (or perhaps never at all) at random controlled by a player selected from ghosts. The chance of a lone operative being sent to the station increases the longer the Nuclear Authentication Disk stays still. Lone Operatives start in space somewhere around the station equipped with standard issue gear (makarov, knife, jet harness, agent ID, NVG goggles, pinpointer, uplink, blood-red hardsuit), but come already wearing their hardsuit with an expanded capacity oxygen tank. They are armed with a Bulldog Shotgun right off the bat, but they can chose to purchase other weapons if they desire.

With no ship, no nuke, and no extra free gear, how are they supposed to detonate the station?

Thankfully, Syndicate intelligence officers from MI13 were able to obtain codes for SS13's onboard Self Destruct Device, located in the station's Vault (detonating this has the added bonus of making the detonation seem like a regular self destruct, committing insurance fraud against NT). Impractical to access with a full strike team, but for a single, stealthier operative getting closer to the guarded vault is a more realistic option. Just like the nuke, all a lone operative has to do is steal the disk, slot it into the Self Destruct, punch in the code and set a timer, and let it rip.

This is no simple task. While the disk might still be sitting still in the captain's office or wherever it got lost, a lone operative is only one person with a limited TC budget comparable to that of a traitor.

Lone Operatives as such are extremely limited on what options they can take. They can go loud and come in guns blazing, but ammo is limited and they're only one person vs. the entire Security force and the rest of the crew. Taking a stealthy approach is harder to pull off, but is extremely effective as a lone operative as you can sneak around and steal items from the station to aid in your nuking attempt. Plus, there's no other teammates that might fuck it all up and ruin the stealth operation. Either way, time is of the essence as at any moment someone could remember they don't have the disk and could come looking for it.

Once a lone operative activates the Self Destruct Device, they are recommended to run quickly as all eyes will be on the Vault once the Delta alert rings out. Evade being captured and/or killed and avoid letting the disk get back into the hands of the crew. If the SD goes off, the lone operative wins the Syndicate a victory regardless if they perish in the blast or not.

Light Bulb.pngTips

  • Set your ID to a crew member. Give it a legit job. Set your fucking ID to a fucking crew member's name and give it an actual job like Chemist or something.
  • The gloves you start with are already insulated.
  • You can put all your nuke op equipment into your backpack. Even your hardsuit and jetpack.
  • For the love of all that is holy, do not lose your ID, otherwise you'll end up locked out of the Syndicate Shuttle while the nuke timer ticks down.
  • Thermal glasses will make you vulnerable to being flashed, even with your hardsuit helmet on. NVGs do not.
  • The black-and-red space suit is good for inserting a stealth OP onto the station. The crew is less likely to go into a panic at the sight of a regular space suit rather than the iconic blood-red hardsuit.
  • Always bring C4/X4. There are few things more embarassing than an operative that gets stopped by a bolted airlock.
  • Your cyborgs can also remotely interact with machines just like regular cyborgs. If you get bolted down by the AI, they can open the way for you.
  • Be careful of falling behind and getting lost in space.
  • To talk with your team, just talk as if you wanted to talk on the standard radio channel by using the ; prefix, your headset is different and only your team will hear you. :t can also be used if you add a syndicate key to a normal headset.
  • Subvert or destroy the AI first. It can give you away. Syndicate borgs are able to dispose of the AI without it screaming for help over the comms, and a sniper with thermals and penetrator rounds will do the job just as well.
  • Make sure the Escape Shuttle can't be called and then you can't technically lose!
  • Always keep in communication with your team. Having backup and knowledge of what's happening from both the Syndicate and loyal station fronts goes a long way towards an easy victory and far outweighs the damage someone who stole a Syndicate headset can do.
  • Installing a power sink on the station is a popular strategy. Make sure you bring night-vision goggles and a crowbar!
  • Taking out telecommunications is a good way to ensure the crew remains confused and disorganized.
  • Ignore the nuke in the vault on the station. It has a completely different code, and without an admin checking the var and giving it to you, it would be impossible to activate (yes, impossible. the code only generates if an admin or something forces the creation of the code).
  • For the love of fuck do not mistake a Tech Disk/Genetics Data Disk for the Nuke Disk. Examine the disk and check your pinpointer to ensure you have the real deal.
  • Do not buy a mech unless you are absolutely sure you are capable of making it an asset. It is suggested that you blow out the back of the armory to steal the Ion Gun, as that alone can invalidate any mech it fires at.
  • Use the red button found in your base to instantly blow up all deployed syndicate bombs in the game.
  • If you know that the station has cyborgs, bring a flashbang or ten. Flashbangs are very effective at taking out cyborgs, and you can emag-crowbar-emag the stunned cyborg to subvert it. The ion gun found at the base is also good for this.
  • Purchasing No-Slip shoes is always a good idea; getting dunked on by the clown because you slipped on a banana peel is not the best way to go out.
  • You can quickly and quietly rob the armory by applying c4 to the wall from space. No loud beeping. No ruckus. C4, grab the guns, get out.
  • If going stealth, the regular headsets in the locker room come pre-loaded with a Syndie key. Chameleon headsets don't.
  • Saboteur Cyborgs don't have a built in cryptographic sequencer, meaning they cannot hack station borgs. They can still however easily flash the other borgs while disguised so they can bring them to a disguised operative who can.
  • The L6 SAW is a monster of a weapon compared to most guns available in the game. A full three round burst is a guaranteed crit even at full health, and it can sometimes still achieve this even when they have armor. Hold a chokepoint like a doorway or a long maintenance tunnel and lure crew into it. Gun them down.
  • Macrobomb implants are not the worst idea if you don't expect to live. Lure a bunch of crew into fighting you in an important area, and upon death watch as the blast wipes the screen of everything who didn't hear the beeping.
  • You can purchase a novelty Broken Chameleon Kit. They gave all the good ones for Traitors, leaving you with the malfunctioning ones. Makes you stick out like a sore thumb, perfect for combo-ing with your Syndicate balloon.
  • You can purchase an old set of CentCom official gear. Likely taken right off the back of captured CentCom officials, this can actually be useful in faking a group inspection. Just ensure you set your agent ID properly and make whatever you're doing quick, as the Captain may directly contact Central Command to confirm the legitimacy of your "nuclear authentication disk inspection".
  • You can purchase a full clown costume. Wearing this will be enough to terrify most crew members.

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